
Purpose ^

matRad NRRD writer

Synopsis ^

function matRad_writeNRRD(filename,cube,metadata)

Description ^

 matRad NRRD writer

   filename:   full output path, including the nrrd extension
   cube:       cube that is to be written
   metadata:   struct of metadata. Writer will wrap the existing metadata 
               to nrrd standard-specific fields [1].



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Subfunctions ^

Source code ^

0001 function matRad_writeNRRD(filename,cube,metadata)
0002 % matRad NRRD writer
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 %   matRad_writeNRRD(filename,cube,datatype,...
0006 %                    additionalFields,additionalKeyValuePairs)
0007 %
0008 % input
0009 %   filename:   full output path, including the nrrd extension
0010 %   cube:       cube that is to be written
0011 %   metadata:   struct of metadata. Writer will wrap the existing metadata
0012 %               to nrrd standard-specific fields [1].
0013 %
0014 % References
0015 %   [1]
0016 %
0017 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0018 %
0019 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0020 %
0021 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0022 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0023 % distribution and at No part
0024 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0025 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0026 % LICENSE file.
0027 %
0028 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0030 %% Setup Header
0031 %The NRRD header description line
0032 version = 5;
0033 nrrdVersionStringPrefix = 'NRRD000';
0034 nrrdVersionString = [nrrdVersionStringPrefix num2str(version)];
0036 header = sprintf('%s\n',nrrdVersionString);
0038 %add matRad specific comment
0039 header = header_addComment(header,'Created With matRad - An open source multi-modality radiation treatment planning sytem');
0041 %Add Datatype field
0042 header = header_addField(header,'type',matlabTypeToNRRD(metadata.datatype));
0043 %NRRD wants to know how the bytes are aligned for datatypes > 1 byte
0044 %(little endian vs big endian)
0045 try
0046     z = zeros(1,metadata.datatype);
0047     varInfo = whos('z');
0048     if varInfo.bytes > 1
0049         [~,~,endian] = computer;
0050         switch endian
0051             case 'L'
0052                 header = header_addField(header,'endian','little');
0053             case 'B'
0054                 header = header_addField(header,'endian','big');
0055             otherwise
0056                 error('Unknown endian!');
0057         end
0058     end
0059 catch
0060     error(['Unknown datatype: ' metadata.datatype']);
0061 end
0064 %Check if compression was defined
0065 if ~isfield(metadata,'compress')
0066     metadata.compress = false;
0067 end  
0068 %If we use compression, try to compress, otherwise use raw data
0069 if metadata.compress
0070     try
0071         %We write a temporary file to gzip with matlab
0072         %It might be also possible to do this with java directly as stream
0073         tmpRawFile = [tempname() '.bin'];
0074         fTmp = fopen(tmpRawFile, 'wb');
0076         fwrite(fTmp,cube,metadata.datatype);
0077         fclose(fTmp);
0079         %Now zip the file
0080         fNameZip = gzip(tmpRawFile);
0081         fNameZip = fNameZip{1};
0083         %We need this to determine the file size
0084         fDir = dir(fNameZip);
0086         %Read the zipped data
0087         fTmp = fopen(fNameZip, 'rb');
0088         fileData = fread(fTmp,fDir.bytes,'uint8');
0089         fclose(fTmp);
0090         %Delete temporary files
0091         delete(tmpRawFile,fNameZip);
0093         %Set the datatype to binary for writing the zipped data
0094         metadata.datatype = 'uint8';
0095         header = header_addField(header,'encoding','gzip');
0096     catch
0097         warn('Could not open temporary file, writing without compression!');
0098         header = header_addField(header,'encoding','raw');
0099         fileData = cube;
0100     end
0101 else
0102     header = header_addField(header,'encoding','raw');
0103     fileData = cube;
0104 end
0107 %Dimensionality
0108 cubeDim = size(cube);
0109 header = header_addField(header,'dimension',num2str(numel(cubeDim)));
0110 strCubeDim = vec2str(cubeDim);
0111 header = header_addField(header,'sizes',strCubeDim);
0113 %Coordinate system - optional
0114 if isfield(metadata,'coordinateSystem')
0115     header = header_addField(header,'space',metadata.coordinateSystem);
0116 end
0118 %Reference Point - optional
0119 if isfield(metadata,'imageOrigin')
0120     vecOrigin = matVec2nrrdVec(metadata.imageOrigin);
0121     header = header_addField(header,'space origin',vecOrigin);
0122 end
0124 %Axis permutation
0125 if isfield(metadata,'resolution')
0126     %If we have more space information, write the space axis
0127     if isfield(metadata,'axisPermutation')
0128         strDirection = '';
0129         for dim = 1:numel(cubeDim)
0130             dimVec = zeros(1,numel(cubeDim));
0131             dimVec(dim) = 1;
0132             dimVec = dimVec(metadata.axisPermutation);
0133             dimVec = dimVec .* metadata.resolution;
0134             strDirection = [strDirection matVec2nrrdVec(dimVec) ' '];
0135         end
0136         header = header_addField(header,'space directions',strDirection);
0137     %Otherwise only write resolution
0138     else
0139         strSpacings = vec2str(metadata.resolution);
0140         header = header_addField(header,'spacings',strSpacings);
0141     end
0142 end       
0144 %Additional key-value-pairs if present
0145 %Will be added in a later release
0146 %{
0147 if nargin > 3
0148     keys = fieldnames(additionalKeyValuePairs);
0149     for f = 1:numel(fields)
0150         key = keys{f};
0151         value = additionalKeyValuePairs.(keys{f});
0153         %Format the description to fit
0154         if isvector(description)
0155             value = mat2str(description);
0156             value = description(2:end-1);
0157         elseif isnumeric(description)
0158             value = num2str(description);
0159         else 
0161         end
0163         if and(~ischar(value),~iscellstr(value))
0164             warning(['Cannot convert value for key ' key ' to string, key-value-pair will be ignored!']);
0165             continue;
0166         end
0168         header = header_addKeyValuePair(header,key,value);
0169     end;
0170 end
0171 %}
0173 %% Write File
0174 try
0175     %Write Header to file with the separating blank line
0176     fileHandle = fopen(filename,'w');
0177     fprintf(fileHandle,'%s\n',header);
0179     %Write raw or compressed data to file
0180     fwrite(fileHandle,fileData,metadata.datatype);
0181     fclose(fileHandle);
0183 catch MExc
0184     fclose('all');
0185     error(sprintf('File %s could not be written!\n%s',filename,getReport(MExc)));
0186 end
0188 end
0190 %Used to add comments to the header
0191 function newHeader = header_addComment(header,comment)
0192     newHeader = sprintf('%s# %s\n',header,comment);
0193 end
0195 %Used to add fields to the header
0196 function newHeader = header_addField(header,fieldName,fieldDescription)
0197     newHeader = sprintf('%s%s: %s\n',header,fieldName,fieldDescription);
0198 end
0200 %Used to add key-value pairs to the header
0201 function newHeader = header_addKeyValuePair(header,key,value)
0202     value = strrep(value,':=','');
0203     newHeader = sprintf('%s%s:=%s\n',header,key,value);
0204 end
0206 %Used to format dimenional info according to nrrd specification
0207 function strOutput = vec2str(V)
0208     strOutput = mat2str(V);
0209     strOutput = strOutput(2:end-1);
0210 end
0212 %Used to format a matlab vector to nrrd vector with brackets
0213 function strOutput = matVec2nrrdVec(V)
0214     strOutput = '(';
0215     for v = 1:numel(V)
0216         strOutput = [strOutput num2str(V(v)) ','];
0217     end
0218     strOutput = [strOutput(1:end-1) ')'];
0219 end
0221 %Used to map matlab definitions of datatypes to the NRRD specs
0222 %seems to be only single has to be converted to float
0223 function newType = matlabTypeToNRRD(datatype)
0224 switch datatype
0225     case 'single'
0226         newType = 'float';
0227     otherwise
0228         newType = datatype;
0229 end
0230 end

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