
Purpose ^

matRad function to write vtk cubes

Synopsis ^

function matRad_writeVTK(filepath,cube,metadata)

Description ^

 matRad function to write vtk cubes

   filepath:   full filename (with extension)
   cube:       3D array to be written into file
   metadata:   struct of metadata. Writer will wrap the existing metadata 
               to VTK standard-specific fields 
               Necessary fieldnames are:
               - resolution: [x y z]
               - datatype: numeric MATLAB-Datatype

   file will be written to disk



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function matRad_writeVTK(filepath,cube,metadata)
0002 % matRad function to write vtk cubes
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 %   matRad_writeVTK(filepath,cube,metadata)
0006 %
0007 % input
0008 %   filepath:   full filename (with extension)
0009 %   cube:       3D array to be written into file
0010 %   metadata:   struct of metadata. Writer will wrap the existing metadata
0011 %               to VTK standard-specific fields
0012 %               Necessary fieldnames are:
0013 %               - resolution: [x y z]
0014 %               - datatype: numeric MATLAB-Datatype
0015 %
0016 % output
0017 %   file will be written to disk
0018 %
0019 % References
0020 %   -
0021 %
0022 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0023 %
0024 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0025 %
0026 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0027 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0028 % distribution and at No part
0029 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0030 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0031 % LICENSE file.
0032 %
0033 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0035 % Sanity checks and restrictions
0036 dimensions = size(cube);
0037 if numel(dimensions) ~= 3
0038     error('Sorry! matRad only supports 3-dimensional VTK output');
0039 end
0041 fid = fopen(filepath, 'wb');
0042 if fid <= 0
0043     error('Could not open VTK destination file!');
0044 end
0045 cleaner = onCleanup(@() fclose(fid));
0047 %We perform
0048 if isfield(metadata,'axisPermutation')
0049     cube = permute(cube,metadata.axisPermutation);
0050 end
0053 fprintf(fid, '# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n');
0054 fprintf(fid, 'vtk output\n');
0055 fprintf(fid, 'BINARY\n');
0056 fprintf(fid, 'DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n');
0057 fprintf(fid, 'DIMENSIONS    %d   %d   %d\n', dimensions(1),dimensions(2),dimensions(3));
0058 fprintf(fid, 'SPACING    %f   %f   %f\n',metadata.resolution(1),metadata.resolution(2),metadata.resolution(3));
0059 fprintf(fid, 'ORIGIN    %f   %f   %f\n',metadata.imageOrigin(1),metadata.imageOrigin(2),metadata.imageOrigin(3));
0060 fprintf(fid, 'POINT_DATA   %d\n',prod(dimensions));
0061 if isfield(metadata,'dataName')
0062     dataName = metadata.dataName;
0063 else
0064     dataName = 'scalars';
0065 end
0066 fprintf(fid, 'SCALARS %s %s\n',dataName,metadata.datatype);
0067 fprintf(fid, 'LOOKUP_TABLE default\n');
0068 fwrite(fid,cube,metadata.datatype,'b');
0070 end

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