
Purpose ^

matRad function to import a matRad stf struct from dicom RTPLAN data

Synopsis ^

function [stf, pln] = matRad_importDicomSteeringParticles(ct, pln, rtPlanFile)

Description ^

 matRad function to import a matRad stf struct from dicom RTPLAN data
   [stf, pln] = matRad_importDicomSteeringParticles(ct, pln, rtPlanFile)

   ct:             ct imported by the matRad_importDicomCt function
   pln:            matRad pln struct with meta information
   rtPlanFile:       name of RTPLAN DICOM file

   stf             matRad stf struct
   pln:            matRad pln struct. 
                   Note: pln is input and output since pln.bixelWidth is 
                   determined here.

 not implemented - compensator. Fixed SAD.

 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function [stf, pln] = matRad_importDicomSteeringParticles(ct, pln, rtPlanFile)
0002 % matRad function to import a matRad stf struct from dicom RTPLAN data
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 %   [stf, pln] = matRad_importDicomSteeringParticles(ct, pln, rtPlanFile)
0006 %
0007 % input
0008 %   ct:             ct imported by the matRad_importDicomCt function
0009 %   pln:            matRad pln struct with meta information
0010 %   rtPlanFile:       name of RTPLAN DICOM file
0011 %
0012 % output
0013 %   stf             matRad stf struct
0014 %   pln:            matRad pln struct.
0015 %                   Note: pln is input and output since pln.bixelWidth is
0016 %                   determined here.
0017 %
0018 % References
0019 %   -
0020 % Note
0021 % not implemented - compensator. Fixed SAD.
0022 %
0023 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0024 %
0025 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0026 %
0027 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0028 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0029 % distribution and at No part
0030 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0031 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0032 % LICENSE file.
0033 %
0034 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0036 %% load plan file
0037 % load machine data
0039 dlgBaseDataText = ['Import steering information from DICOM Plan.','Choose corresponding matRad base data for ', ...
0040         pln.radiationMode, '.'];
0041 % messagebox only necessary for non windows users
0042 if ~ispc
0043     uiwait(helpdlg(dlgBaseDataText,['DICOM import - ', pln.radiationMode, ' base data' ]));
0044 end
0045 [fileName,pathName] = uigetfile('*.mat', dlgBaseDataText);
0046 load([pathName filesep fileName]);
0048 ix = find(fileName == '_');
0049 pln.machine = fileName(ix(1)+1:end-4);
0051 % RT Plan consists only on meta information
0052 if verLessThan('matlab','9')
0053     rtPlanInfo = dicominfo(rtPlanFile{1});
0054 else
0055     rtPlanInfo = dicominfo(rtPlanFile{1},'UseDictionaryVR',true);
0056 end
0057 BeamSeq = rtPlanInfo.IonBeamSequence;
0058 BeamSeqNames = fieldnames(BeamSeq);
0059 % Number of Beams from plan
0060 numOfBeamsPlan = length(pln.propStf.gantryAngles);
0062 % use only the treatment beams
0063 for i = 1:length(BeamSeqNames)
0064     currBeamSeq = BeamSeq.(BeamSeqNames{i});
0065     try
0066         treatDelType = currBeamSeq.TreatmentDeliveryType;
0067         if ~strcmpi(treatDelType,'TREATMENT')
0068             BeamSeq = rmfield(BeamSeq,BeamSeqNames{i});
0069         end
0070     catch
0071         warning('Something went wrong while determining the type of the beam.');
0072     end
0073 end
0075 % reinitialize the BeamSeqNames and length, as the Seq itself is reduced.
0076 BeamSeqNames = fieldnames(BeamSeq);
0078 % remove empty ControlPointSequences
0079 for i = 1:length(BeamSeqNames)
0080     currBeamSeq = BeamSeq.(BeamSeqNames{i});
0081     ControlPointSeq      = currBeamSeq.IonControlPointSequence;
0082     ControlPointSeqNames = fieldnames(ControlPointSeq);
0083     numOfContrPointSeq = length(ControlPointSeqNames);
0084     for currContr = 1:numOfContrPointSeq
0085         currContrSeq = ControlPointSeq.(ControlPointSeqNames{currContr});
0086         if sum(currContrSeq.ScanSpotMetersetWeights) == 0
0087             ControlPointSeq = rmfield(ControlPointSeq,ControlPointSeqNames{currContr});
0088         end
0089     end
0090     BeamSeq.(BeamSeqNames{i}).IonControlPointSequence = ControlPointSeq;
0091 end
0093 % check if number of beams correspond
0094 if ~isequal(length(BeamSeqNames),numOfBeamsPlan)
0095     warning('Number of beams from beamsequences do not correspond to number of Gantry Angles');
0096 end
0098 %% generate stf struct
0099 % surfaceEntry = BeamSeq.Item_1.IonControlPointSequence.Item_1.SurfaceEntryPoint;
0101 % Preallocate stf
0102 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).gantryAngle = [];
0103 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).couchAngle = [];
0104 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).bixelWidth = [];
0105 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).radiationMode = [];
0106 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).SAD = [];
0107 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).isoCenter = [];
0108 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).sourcePoint_bev = [];
0109 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).numOfRays = [];
0110 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).numOfBixelsPerRay = [];
0111 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).totalNumOfBixels = [];
0112 stf(length(BeamSeqNames)).ray = [];
0114 for i = 1:length(BeamSeqNames)
0115     currBeamSeq = BeamSeq.(BeamSeqNames{i});
0116     ControlPointSeq      = currBeamSeq.IonControlPointSequence;
0117     stf(i).gantryAngle   = pln.propStf.gantryAngles(i);
0118     stf(i).couchAngle    = pln.propStf.couchAngles(i);
0119     stf(i).bixelWidth    = pln.propStf.bixelWidth;
0120     stf(i).radiationMode = pln.radiationMode;
0121     % there might be several SAD's, e.g. compensator?
0122     stf(i).SAD           = machine.meta.SAD;
0123     stf(i).isoCenter     = pln.propStf.isoCenter(i,:);
0124     stf(i).sourcePoint_bev = [0 -stf(i).SAD 0];
0125         % now loop over ControlPointSequences
0126     ControlPointSeqNames = fieldnames(ControlPointSeq);
0127     numOfContrPointSeq = length(ControlPointSeqNames);
0128     % create empty helper matrix
0129     temporarySteering = zeros(0,8);
0130     for currContr = 1:numOfContrPointSeq
0131         currContrSeq = ControlPointSeq.(ControlPointSeqNames{currContr});
0132         % get energy, equal for all coming elements in the next loop
0133         currEnergy = currContrSeq.NominalBeamEnergy;
0134         % get focusValue
0135         currFocus = unique(currContrSeq.ScanningSpotSize);
0136         % get the Spotpositions
0137         numOfScanSpots = currContrSeq.NumberOfScanSpotPositions;
0138         % x is 1, 3, 5 ...; y 2, 4, 6,
0139         c1_help = currContrSeq.ScanSpotPositionMap(1:2:(2 * numOfScanSpots));
0140         c2_help = currContrSeq.ScanSpotPositionMap(2:2:(2 * numOfScanSpots));
0141         weight_help = currContrSeq.ScanSpotMetersetWeights;
0142         if isfield(currContrSeq, 'RangeShifterSettingsSequence')
0143             % rangeshifter identification
0144             rashiID = currContrSeq.RangeShifterSettingsSequence.Item_1.ReferencedRangeShifterNumber;
0145             % rangeshifter waterequivalent thickness
0146             rashiWeThickness = currContrSeq.RangeShifterSettingsSequence.Item_1.RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness;
0147             % rangeshifter isocenter to range shifter distance
0148             rashiIsoRangeDist = currContrSeq.RangeShifterSettingsSequence.Item_1.IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance;
0149         elseif currContr == 1
0150             rashiID = 0;
0151             rashiWeThickness = 0;
0152             rashiIsoRangeDist = 0;            
0153         else
0154             % in this case range shifter settings has not changed between this
0155             % and previous control sequence, so reuse values.
0156         end
0157         temporarySteering = [temporarySteering; c1_help c2_help ...
0158             (currEnergy * ones(numOfScanSpots,1)) weight_help (currFocus * ones(numOfScanSpots,1)) ...
0159             (rashiID * ones(numOfScanSpots,1)) (rashiWeThickness * ones(numOfScanSpots,1)) (rashiIsoRangeDist * ones(numOfScanSpots,1))];     
0160     end
0162     % finds all unique rays and saves them in to the stf
0163     [RayPosTmp, ~, ic] = unique(temporarySteering(:,1:2), 'rows');
0164     clear ray;
0165     for j = 1:size(RayPosTmp,1)
0166         stf(i).ray(j).rayPos_bev = double([RayPosTmp(j,1) 0 RayPosTmp(j,2)]);
0167         stf(i).ray(j).energy = [];
0168         stf(i).ray(j).focusFWHM = [];
0169         stf(i).ray(j).focusIx = [];
0170         stf(i).ray(j).weight = [];
0171         stf(i).ray(j).rangeShifter = struct();
0172         ray(j).ID = [];
0173         ray(j).eqThickness = [];
0174         ray(j).sourceRashiDistance = [];
0175     end
0177     % saves all energies and weights to their corresponding ray
0178     for j = 1:size(temporarySteering,1)
0179         k = ic(j);
0180         stf(i).ray(k).energy = [stf(i).ray(k).energy double(temporarySteering(j,3))];
0181         stf(i).ray(k).focusFWHM = [stf(i).ray(k).focusFWHM double(temporarySteering(j,5))];
0182         stf(i).ray(k).weight = [stf(i).ray(k).weight double(temporarySteering(j,4)) / 1e6];
0183         % helpers to construct something like a(:).b = c.b(:) after this
0184         % loop
0185         ray(k).ID = [ray(k).ID double(temporarySteering(j,6))];
0186         ray(k).eqThickness = [ray(k).eqThickness double(temporarySteering(j,7))];
0187         ray(k).sourceRashiDistance = [ray(k).sourceRashiDistance double(temporarySteering(j,8))];
0188     end
0190     % reassign to preserve data structure
0191     for j = 1:numel(ray)
0192         for k = 1:numel(ray(j).ID)
0193             stf(i).ray(j).rangeShifter(k).ID = ray(j).ID(k);
0194             stf(i).ray(j).rangeShifter(k).eqThickness = ray(j).eqThickness(k);
0195             stf(i).ray(j).rangeShifter(k).sourceRashiDistance = stf(i).SAD - ray(j).sourceRashiDistance(k);
0196         end
0197     end
0200     % getting some information of the rays
0201     % clean up energies, so they appear only one time per energy
0202     numOfRays = size(stf(i).ray,2);
0203     for l = 1:numOfRays
0204         stf(i).ray(l).energy = unique(stf(i).ray(l).energy);
0205         stf(i).ray(l).targetPoint_bev = [2*stf(i).ray(l).rayPos_bev(1) ...
0206                                          machine.meta.SAD ...
0207                                          2*stf(i).ray(l).rayPos_bev(3)];
0208     end
0209     stf(i).numOfRays = numel(stf(i).ray);  
0211     % save total number of bixels
0212     numOfBixels = 0;
0213     for j = 1:numel(stf(i).ray)
0214         numOfBixels = numOfBixels + numel(stf(i).ray(j).energy);
0215         stf(i).numOfBixelsPerRay(j) = numel(stf(i).ray(j).energy);
0216 %         w = [w stf(currBeam).ray(j).weight];
0217     end
0219     stf(i).totalNumOfBixels = numOfBixels;
0221     % get bixelwidth
0222     bixelWidth_help = zeros(size(stf(i).ray,2),2);
0223     for j = 1:stf(i).numOfRays
0224         bixelWidth_help(j,1) = stf(i).ray(j).rayPos_bev(1);
0225         bixelWidth_help(j,2) = stf(i).ray(j).rayPos_bev(3);        
0226     end
0227     bixelWidth_help1 = unique(round(1e3*bixelWidth_help(:,1))/1e3,'sorted');
0228     bixelWidth_help2 = unique(round(1e3*bixelWidth_help(:,2))/1e3,'sorted');
0230     bixelWidth = unique([unique(diff(bixelWidth_help1))' unique(diff(bixelWidth_help2))']);
0232     if numel(bixelWidth) == 1
0233         stf(i).bixelWidth = bixelWidth;
0234     else
0235         stf(i).bixelWidth = NaN;
0236     end
0238     % coordinate transformation with rotation matrix.
0239     % use transpose matrix because we are working with row vectors
0240     rotMat_vectors_T = transpose(matRad_getRotationMatrix(pln.propStf.gantryAngles(i),pln.propStf.couchAngles(i)));
0242     % Rotated Source point (1st gantry, 2nd couch)
0243     stf(i).sourcePoint = stf(i).sourcePoint_bev*rotMat_vectors_T;
0245     % Save ray and target position in lps system.
0246     for j = 1:stf(i).numOfRays
0247         stf(i).ray(j).rayPos      = stf(i).ray(j).rayPos_bev*rotMat_vectors_T;
0248         stf(i).ray(j).targetPoint = stf(i).ray(j).targetPoint_bev*rotMat_vectors_T;   
0249     end
0251     % book keeping & calculate focus index
0252     for j = 1:stf(i).numOfRays
0253             stf(i).numOfBixelsPerRay(j) = numel([stf(i).ray(j).energy]);
0254     end
0256     % use the original machine energies
0257     for j = 1:stf(i).numOfRays
0258         % loop over all energies
0259         numOfEnergy = length(stf(i).ray(j).energy);
0260         for k = 1:numOfEnergy
0261             energyIndex = find(abs([]-stf(i).ray(j).energy(k))<10^-2);
0262             if ~isempty(energyIndex)
0263                 stf(i).ray(j).energy(k) =;
0264             else
0265                 error('No match between imported and machine data. Maybe wrong machine loaded.');
0266             end
0267         end
0268     end
0270     % get focusIx instead of focusFWHM
0271     for j = 1:stf(i).numOfRays
0272         % loop over all energies
0273         numOfEnergy = length(stf(i).ray(j).energy);
0274         for k = 1:numOfEnergy
0275             energyTemp = stf(i).ray(j).energy(k);
0276             focusFWHM = stf(i).ray(j).focusFWHM(k);
0277             energyIxTemp = find([] == energyTemp);
0278             focusIxTemp = find(abs([] - focusFWHM )< 10^-3);
0279             stf(i).ray(j).focusIx(k) = focusIxTemp;
0280             stf(i).ray(j).focusFWHM(k) =;
0281         end
0282     end
0284     stf(i).timeStamp = datestr(clock);
0286 end
0288 if any(isnan([stf(:).bixelWidth])) || numel(unique([stf(:).bixelWidth])) > 1
0289     pln.propStf.bixelWidth = NaN;
0290 else
0291     pln.propStf.bixelWidth = stf(1).bixelWidth;
0292 end
0294 end

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