
Purpose ^

matRad dij sampling function

Synopsis ^

function [ixNew,bixelDoseNew] = matRad_DijSampling(ix,bixelDose,radDepthV,rad_distancesSq,sType,Param)

Description ^

 matRad dij sampling function 
 This function samples. 
   [ixNew,bixelDoseNew] =

   ix:               indices of voxels where we want to compute dose influence data
   bixelDose:        dose at specified locations as linear vector
   radDepthV:        radiological depth vector
   rad_distancesSq:  squared radial distance to the central ray
   sType:            can either be set to 'radius' or 'dose'. These are two different ways 
                     to determine dose values that are keept as they are and dose values used for sampling
   Param:            In the case of radius based sampling, dose values having a radial 
                     distance below r0 [mm] are keept anyway and sampling is only done beyond r0. 
                     In the case of dose based sampling, dose values having a relative dose greater 
                     the threshold [0...1] are keept and sampling is done for dose values below the relative threshold  

   ixNew:            reduced indices of voxels where we want to compute dose influence data
   bixelDoseNew      reduced dose at specified locations as linear vector



 Copyright 2016 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function [ixNew,bixelDoseNew] =  matRad_DijSampling(ix,bixelDose,radDepthV,rad_distancesSq,sType,Param)
0002 % matRad dij sampling function
0003 % This function samples.
0004 %
0005 % call
0006 %   [ixNew,bixelDoseNew] =
0007 %   matRad_DijSampling(ix,bixelDose,radDepthV,rad_distancesSq,sType,Param)
0008 %
0009 % input
0010 %   ix:               indices of voxels where we want to compute dose influence data
0011 %   bixelDose:        dose at specified locations as linear vector
0012 %   radDepthV:        radiological depth vector
0013 %   rad_distancesSq:  squared radial distance to the central ray
0014 %   sType:            can either be set to 'radius' or 'dose'. These are two different ways
0015 %                     to determine dose values that are keept as they are and dose values used for sampling
0016 %   Param:            In the case of radius based sampling, dose values having a radial
0017 %                     distance below r0 [mm] are keept anyway and sampling is only done beyond r0.
0018 %                     In the case of dose based sampling, dose values having a relative dose greater
0019 %                     the threshold [0...1] are keept and sampling is done for dose values below the relative threshold
0020 %
0021 % output
0022 %   ixNew:            reduced indices of voxels where we want to compute dose influence data
0023 %   bixelDoseNew      reduced dose at specified locations as linear vector
0024 %
0025 % References
0026 %   [1]
0027 %
0028 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0029 %
0030 % Copyright 2016 the matRad development team.
0031 %
0032 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0033 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0034 % distribution and at No part
0035 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0036 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0037 % LICENSE file.
0038 %
0039 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0041 %% define default parameters as a fallback
0042 defaultType                = 'radius';
0043 deltaRadDepth              = 5;                       % step size of radiological depth
0044 defaultLatCutOff           = 25;                      % default lateral cut off
0045 defaultrelDoseThreshold    = 0.01;                    % default relative dose threshold
0047 relDoseThreshold           = defaultrelDoseThreshold;
0048 LatCutOff                  = defaultLatCutOff;
0049 Type                       = sType;
0051 % if the input index vector is of type logical convert it to linear indices
0052 if islogical(ix)
0053    ix = find(ix); 
0054 end
0056 %% parse inputs
0057 if sum(strcmp(sType,{'radius','dose'})) == 0
0058    Type = defaultType;
0059 end
0061 % if an parameter is provided then use it
0062 if nargin>5   
0063     if exist('Param','var')
0064          if strcmp(sType,'radius')
0065            LatCutOff = Param;
0066         elseif strcmp(sType,'dose')
0067            relDoseThreshold = Param;
0068         end
0069     end
0070 end
0072 %% remember dose values inside the inner core
0073 switch  Type
0074     case {'radius'}
0075     ixCore      = rad_distancesSq < LatCutOff^2;                 % get voxels indices having a smaller radial distance than r0
0076     case {'dose'}
0077     ixCore      = bixelDose > relDoseThreshold * max(bixelDose); % get voxels indices having a greater dose than the thresholdDose
0078 end
0080 bixelDoseCore       = bixelDose(ixCore);                         % save dose values that are not affected by sampling
0082 if all(ixCore)
0083     %% all bixels are in the core
0084     %exit function with core dose only
0085     ixNew = ix;
0086     bixelDoseNew = bixelDoseCore;
0087 else
0088     logIxTail           = ~ixCore;                                   % get voxels indices beyond r0
0089     linIxTail           = find(logIxTail);                           % convert logical index to linear index
0090     numTail             = numel(linIxTail);
0091     bixelDoseTail       = bixelDose(linIxTail);                      % dose values that are going to be reduced by sampling
0092     ixTail              = ix(linIxTail);                             % indices that are going to be reduced by sampling
0094     %% sample for each radiological depth the lateral halo dose
0095     radDepthTail        = (radDepthV(linIxTail));                    % get radiological depth in the tail
0097     % cluster radiological dephts to reduce computations
0098     B_r                 = int32(ceil(radDepthTail));                 % cluster radiological depths;
0099     maxRadDepth         = double(max(B_r));
0100     C                   = int32(linspace(0,maxRadDepth,round(maxRadDepth)/deltaRadDepth));     % coarse clustering of rad depths
0102     ixNew               = zeros(numTail,1);                          % inizialize new index vector
0103     bixelDoseNew        = zeros(numTail,1);                          % inizialize new dose vector
0104     linIx               = int32(1:1:numTail)';
0105     IxCnt               = 1;
0107     %% loop over clustered radiological depths
0108     for i = 1:numel(C)-1
0109         ixTmp              = linIx(B_r >= C(i) & B_r < C(i+1));      % extracting sub indices
0110         if isempty(ixTmp)
0111             continue
0112         end
0113         subDose            = bixelDoseTail(ixTmp);                   % get tail dose in current cluster
0114         subIx              = ixTail(ixTmp);                          % get indices in current cluster
0115         thresholdDose      = max(subDose);
0116         r                  = rand(numel(subDose),1);                 % get random samples
0117         ixSamp             = r<=(subDose/thresholdDose);
0118         NumSamples         = sum(ixSamp);
0120         ixNew(IxCnt:IxCnt+NumSamples-1,1)        = subIx(ixSamp);    % save new indices
0121         bixelDoseNew(IxCnt:IxCnt+NumSamples-1,1) = thresholdDose;    % set the dose
0122         IxCnt = IxCnt + NumSamples;
0123     end
0126     % cut new vectors and add inner core values
0127     ixNew        = [ix(ixCore);    ixNew(1:IxCnt-1)];
0128     bixelDoseNew = [bixelDoseCore; bixelDoseNew(1:IxCnt-1)];
0129 end
0133 end

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