
Purpose ^

interpolates 1-D data (table lookup) and utilizes griddedInterpolant

Synopsis ^

function y = matRad_interp1(xi,yi,x,extrapolation)

Description ^

 interpolates 1-D data (table lookup) and utilizes griddedInterpolant 
 if availabe in the used MATLAB version

   y = matRad_interp1(xi,yi,x)
   y = matRad_interp1(xi,yi,x,extrapolation)

   xi:             sample points 
   yi:             corresponding data to sample points
   x:              query points for interpolation
   extrapolation:  (optional) strategy for extrapolation. Similar to 
                   interp1. NaN is the default extrapolation value
   y:              interpolated data   

 Note that all input data has to be given as column vectors for a correct
 interpolation. yi can be a matrix consisting out of several 1-D datasets 
 in each column, which will all be interpolated for the given query points.



 Copyright 2020 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function y = matRad_interp1(xi,yi,x,extrapolation)
0002 % interpolates 1-D data (table lookup) and utilizes griddedInterpolant
0003 % if availabe in the used MATLAB version
0004 %
0005 % call
0006 %   y = matRad_interp1(xi,yi,x)
0007 %   y = matRad_interp1(xi,yi,x,extrapolation)
0008 %
0009 % input
0010 %   xi:             sample points
0011 %   yi:             corresponding data to sample points
0012 %   x:              query points for interpolation
0013 %   extrapolation:  (optional) strategy for extrapolation. Similar to
0014 %                   interp1. NaN is the default extrapolation value
0015 %
0016 % output
0017 %   y:              interpolated data
0018 %
0019 % Note that all input data has to be given as column vectors for a correct
0020 % interpolation. yi can be a matrix consisting out of several 1-D datasets
0021 % in each column, which will all be interpolated for the given query points.
0022 %
0023 % Reference
0024 %   -
0025 %
0026 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0027 %
0028 % Copyright 2020 the matRad development team.
0029 %
0030 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0031 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0032 % distribution and at No part
0033 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0034 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0035 % LICENSE file.
0036 %
0037 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0039 persistent isGriddedInterpolantAvailable;
0041 if isempty(isGriddedInterpolantAvailable)
0042     [env, ~] = matRad_getEnvironment();
0043     switch env
0044         case 'MATLAB'
0045             isGriddedInterpolantAvailable = exist('griddedInterpolant','class');
0046         case 'OCTAVE'
0047             isGriddedInterpolantAvailable = exist('griddedInterpolant');
0048     end
0049 end
0051 if nargin < 4
0052     extrapolation = NaN;
0053 end
0057 % manual interpolation for only one query point to save time
0058 if numel(x) == 1
0060     ix1 = find((x >= xi), 1, 'last');
0061     ix2 = find((x <= xi), 1, 'first');
0063     if ix1 == ix2
0064         y = yi(ix1,:);
0065     elseif ix2 == ix1 + 1
0066         y = yi(ix1,:) + ( yi(ix2,:)-yi(ix1,:) ) * ( x - xi(ix1) ) / ( xi(ix2) - xi(ix1) );    
0067     else
0068         if isscalar(extrapolation)
0069             y = extrapolation;
0070         elseif strcmp(extrapolation,'extrap')
0071             %In this unlikely event fall back to classic
0072             y = interp1(xi,yi,x,'linear',extrapolation);
0073         else
0074             error('Invalid extrapolation argument!');
0075         end 
0076     end
0078 elseif isGriddedInterpolantAvailable
0080     if isscalar(extrapolation)
0081         extrapmethod = 'none';
0082     elseif strcmp(extrapolation,'extrap')
0083         extrapmethod = 'linear';
0084     else 
0085         error('Invalid extrapolation argument!');
0086     end
0088     if size(yi,2) > 1
0089         % interpolation for multiple 1-D datasets
0090         samplePoints = {xi, 1:size(yi,2)};
0091         queryPoints  = {x,  1:size(yi,2)};
0092     else
0093         % interpolation for a single 1-D dataset
0094         samplePoints = {xi};
0095         queryPoints  = {x};
0096     end
0098     F = griddedInterpolant(samplePoints,yi,'linear',extrapmethod);
0100     y = F(queryPoints);
0102     if isnumeric(extrapolation) && ~isnan(extrapolation)
0103         y(isnan(y)) = extrapolation;
0104     end
0107 else
0109     % for older matlab versions use this code
0110     y = interp1(xi,yi,x,'linear',extrapolation);
0112 end

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