
Purpose ^

multileaf collimator leaf sequencing algorithm

Synopsis ^

function resultGUI = matRad_siochiLeafSequencing(resultGUI,stf,dij,numOfLevels,visBool)

Description ^

 multileaf collimator leaf sequencing algorithm 
 for intensity modulated beams with multiple static segments according to 
 Siochi (1999)International Journal of Radiation Oncology * Biology * Physics,
 originally implemented in PLUNC (

 Implemented in matRad by Eric Christiansen, Emily Heath, and Tong Xu

   resultGUI =
   resultGUI =

   resultGUI:          resultGUI struct to which the output data will be
                       added, if this field is empty resultGUI struct will
                       be created
   stf:                matRad steering information struct
   dij:                matRad's dij matrix
   numOfLevels:        number of stratification levels
   visBool:            toggle on/off visualization (optional)

   resultGUI:          matRad result struct containing the new dose cube
                       as well as the corresponding weights



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.

 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
 distribution and at No part
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
 LICENSE file.

 if visBool not set toogle off visualization

Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Subfunctions ^

Source code ^

0001 function resultGUI = matRad_siochiLeafSequencing(resultGUI,stf,dij,numOfLevels,visBool)
0002 % multileaf collimator leaf sequencing algorithm
0003 % for intensity modulated beams with multiple static segments according to
0004 % Siochi (1999)International Journal of Radiation Oncology * Biology * Physics,
0005 % originally implemented in PLUNC (
0006 %
0007 % Implemented in matRad by Eric Christiansen, Emily Heath, and Tong Xu
0008 %
0009 % call
0010 %   resultGUI =
0011 %   matRad_siochiLeafSequencing(resultGUI,stf,dij,numOfLevels)
0012 %   resultGUI =
0013 %   matRad_siochiLeafSequencing(resultGUI,stf,dij,numOfLevels,visBool)
0014 %
0015 % input
0016 %   resultGUI:          resultGUI struct to which the output data will be
0017 %                       added, if this field is empty resultGUI struct will
0018 %                       be created
0019 %   stf:                matRad steering information struct
0020 %   dij:                matRad's dij matrix
0021 %   numOfLevels:        number of stratification levels
0022 %   visBool:            toggle on/off visualization (optional)
0023 %
0024 % output
0025 %   resultGUI:          matRad result struct containing the new dose cube
0026 %                       as well as the corresponding weights
0027 %
0028 % References
0029 %   [1]
0030 %
0031 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0032 %
0033 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0034 %
0035 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0036 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0037 % distribution and at No part
0038 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0039 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0040 % LICENSE file.
0041 %
0042 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0043 % if visBool not set toogle off visualization
0044 if nargin < 5
0045     visBool = 0;
0046 end
0048 numOfBeams = numel(stf);
0050 if visBool
0051     % create the sequencing figure
0052     sz = [800 1000]; % figure size
0053     screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
0054     xpos = ceil((screensize(3)-sz(2))/2); % center the figure on the screen horizontally
0055     ypos = ceil((screensize(4)-sz(1))/2); % center the figure on the screen vertically
0056     seqFig = figure('position',[xpos,ypos,sz(2),sz(1)]);     
0057 end
0059 offset = 0;
0061 for i = 1:numOfBeams
0063     numOfRaysPerBeam = stf(i).numOfRays;
0065     % get relevant weights for current beam
0066     wOfCurrBeams = resultGUI.wUnsequenced(1+offset:numOfRaysPerBeam+offset);%REVIEW OFFSET
0068     X = ones(numOfRaysPerBeam,1)*NaN;
0069     Z = ones(numOfRaysPerBeam,1)*NaN;
0071     for j = 1:stf(i).numOfRays
0072         X(j) = stf(i).ray(j).rayPos_bev(:,1);
0073         Z(j) = stf(i).ray(j).rayPos_bev(:,3);
0074     end
0076     % sort bixels into matrix
0077     minX = min(X);
0078     maxX = max(X);
0079     minZ = min(Z);
0080     maxZ = max(Z);
0082     dimOfFluenceMxX = (maxX-minX)/stf(i).bixelWidth + 1;
0083     dimOfFluenceMxZ = (maxZ-minZ)/stf(i).bixelWidth + 1;
0085     %Create the fluence matrix.
0086     fluenceMx = zeros(dimOfFluenceMxZ,dimOfFluenceMxX);
0088     % Calculate X and Z position of every fluence's matrix spot z axis =
0089     % axis of leaf movement!
0090     xPos = (X-minX)/stf(i).bixelWidth+1;
0091     zPos = (Z-minZ)/stf(i).bixelWidth+1;
0093     % Make subscripts for fluence matrix
0094     indInFluenceMx = zPos + (xPos-1)*dimOfFluenceMxZ;
0096     %Save weights in fluence matrix.
0097     fluenceMx(indInFluenceMx) = wOfCurrBeams;
0099     % Stratification
0100     calFac = max(fluenceMx(:));
0101     D_k = round(fluenceMx/calFac*numOfLevels);
0103     % Save the stratification in the initial intensity matrix D_0.
0104     D_0 = D_k;
0106     % container to remember generated shapes; allocate space for 10000
0107     % shapes
0108     shapes = NaN*ones(dimOfFluenceMxZ,dimOfFluenceMxX,10000);
0109     shapesWeight = zeros(10000,1);
0110     k = 0;
0112     if visBool
0113         clf(seqFig);
0114         colormap(seqFig,'jet');
0116         seqSubPlots(1) = subplot(2,2,1,'parent',seqFig);
0117         imagesc(D_k,'parent',seqSubPlots(1));
0118         set(seqSubPlots(1),'CLim',[0 numOfLevels],'YDir','normal');
0119         title(seqSubPlots(1),['Beam # ' num2str(i) ': max(D_0) = ' num2str(max(D_0(:))) ' - ' num2str(numel(unique(D_0))) ' intensity levels']);
0120         xlabel(seqSubPlots(1),'x - direction parallel to leaf motion ')
0121         ylabel(seqSubPlots(1),'z - direction perpendicular to leaf motion ')
0122         colorbar;
0123         drawnow
0124     end
0126     D_k_nonZero = (D_k~=0);
0127     [D_k_Z, D_k_X] = ind2sub([dimOfFluenceMxZ,dimOfFluenceMxX],find(D_k_nonZero));
0128     D_k_MinZ = min(D_k_Z);
0129     D_k_MaxZ = max(D_k_Z);
0130     D_k_MinX = min(D_k_X);
0131     D_k_MaxX = max(D_k_X);
0133     %Decompose the port, do rod pushing
0134     [tops, bases] = matRad_siochiDecomposePort(D_k,dimOfFluenceMxZ,dimOfFluenceMxX,D_k_MinZ,D_k_MaxZ,D_k_MinX,D_k_MaxX);
0135     %Form segments with and without visualization
0136     if visBool
0137         [shapes,shapesWeight,k,D_k]=matRad_siochiConvertToSegments(shapes,shapesWeight,k,tops,bases,visBool,i,D_k,numOfLevels,seqFig,seqSubPlots);
0138     else
0139         [shapes,shapesWeight,k]=matRad_siochiConvertToSegments(shapes,shapesWeight,k,tops,bases);
0140     end
0142     sequencing.beam(i).numOfShapes  = k;
0143     sequencing.beam(i).shapes       = shapes(:,:,1:k);
0144     sequencing.beam(i).shapesWeight = shapesWeight(1:k)/numOfLevels*calFac;
0145     sequencing.beam(i).bixelIx      = 1+offset:numOfRaysPerBeam+offset;
0146     sequencing.beam(i).fluence      = D_0;
0147     sequencing.beam(i).sum          = zeros(dimOfFluenceMxZ,dimOfFluenceMxX);
0149     for j = 1:k
0150         sequencing.beam(i).sum = sequencing.beam(i).sum+sequencing.beam(i).shapes(:,:,j)*sequencing.beam(i).shapesWeight(j);
0151     end
0152     sequencing.w(1+offset:numOfRaysPerBeam+offset,1) = sequencing.beam(i).sum(indInFluenceMx);
0154     offset = offset + numOfRaysPerBeam;
0156 end
0158 resultGUI.w          = sequencing.w;
0159 resultGUI.wSequenced = sequencing.w;
0161 resultGUI.sequencing   = sequencing;
0162 resultGUI.apertureInfo = matRad_sequencing2ApertureInfo(sequencing,stf);
0164 doseSequencedDoseGrid = reshape(dij.physicalDose{1} * sequencing.w,dij.doseGrid.dimensions);
0165 % interpolate to ct grid for visualiation & analysis
0166 resultGUI.physicalDose = matRad_interp3(dij.doseGrid.x,dij.doseGrid.y',dij.doseGrid.z, ...
0167                                         doseSequencedDoseGrid, ...
0168                                         dij.ctGrid.x,dij.ctGrid.y',dij.ctGrid.z);
0170 % if weights exists from an former DAO remove it
0171 if isfield(resultGUI,'wDao')
0172     resultGUI = rmfield(resultGUI,'wDao');
0173 end
0175 end
0177 function [tops, bases] = matRad_siochiDecomposePort(map,dimZ,dimX,minZ,maxZ,minX,maxX)
0178 %Returns tops and bases of a fluence matrix "map" for Siochi leaf
0179 %sequencing algorithm (rod pushing part).  Accounts for collisions and
0180 %tongue and groove (Tng) effects.
0182 tops = zeros(dimZ, dimX);
0183 bases = zeros(dimZ, dimX);
0185 for i = minX:maxX
0186     maxTop = -1;
0187     TnG = 1;
0188     for j = minZ:maxZ
0189         if i == minX
0190             bases(j,i) = 1;
0191             tops(j,i) = bases(j,i)+map(j,i)-1;
0192         else %assign trial base positions
0193             if map(j,i) >= map(j,i-1) %current rod >= previous, match the bases
0194                 bases(j,i) = bases(j,i-1);
0195                 tops(j,i) = bases(j,i)+map(j,i)-1;
0196             else %current rod <previous
0197                 if map(j,i) == 0 %rod length=0, put in in next slab after top of previous
0198                     bases(j,i) = tops(j,i-1)+1;
0199                     tops(j,i) = bases(j,i)-1;
0200                 else %rod length~=0, match tops
0201                     tops(j,i) = tops(j,i-1);
0202                     bases(j,i) = tops(j,i)-map(j,i)+1;
0203                 end
0204             end
0205         end
0206         %determine which rod has the highest top in column
0207         if tops(j,i) > maxTop
0208             maxTop = tops(j,i);
0209             maxRow = j;
0210         end
0211     end
0213     %Correct for collision and tongue and groove error
0214     while(TnG)
0215         %go from maxRow down checking for TnG.  This occurs when a shorter
0216         %rod is "peeking over" a longer one in the direction transverse to
0217         %the leaf motion.  To fix this, match either the tops or bases of
0218         %the rods.
0219         for j = (maxRow-1):-1:minZ
0220             if map(j,i) < map(j+1,i)
0221                 if tops(j,i) > tops(j+1,i)
0222                     tops(j+1,i) = tops(j,i);
0223                     bases(j+1,i) = tops(j+1,i)-map(j+1,i)+1;
0224                 elseif bases(j,i) < bases(j+1,i)
0225                     bases(j,i) = bases(j+1,i);
0226                     tops(j,i) = bases(j,i)+map(j,i)-1;
0227                 end
0228             else
0229                 if tops(j,i) < tops(j+1,i)
0230                     tops(j,i) = tops(j+1,i);
0231                     bases(j,i) = tops(j,i)-map(j,i)+1;
0232                 elseif bases(j,i) > bases(j+1,i)
0233                     bases(j+1,i) = bases(j,i);
0234                     tops(j+1,i) = bases(j+1,i)+map(j+1,i)-1;
0235                 end
0236             end
0237         end
0238         %go from maxRow up checking for TnG
0239         for j = (maxRow+1):maxZ
0240             if map(j,i) < map(j-1,i)
0241                 if tops(j,i) > tops(j-1,i)
0242                     tops(j-1,i) = tops(j,i);
0243                     bases(j-1,i) = tops(j-1,i)-map(j-1,i)+1;
0244                 elseif bases(j,i) < bases(j-1,i)
0245                     bases(j,i) = bases(j-1,i);
0246                     tops(j,i) = bases(j,i)+map(j,i)-1;
0247                 end
0248             else
0249                 if tops(j,i) < tops(j-1,i)
0250                     tops(j,i) = tops(j-1,i);
0251                     bases(j,i) = tops(j,i)-map(j,i)+1;
0252                 elseif bases(j,i) > bases(j-1,i)
0253                     bases(j-1,i) = bases(j,i);
0254                     tops(j-1,i) = bases(j-1,i)+map(j-1,i)-1;
0255                 end
0256             end
0257         end
0258         %now check if all TnG conditions have been removed
0259         TnG = 0;
0260         for j = (minZ+1):maxZ
0261             if map(j,i) < map(j-1,i);
0262                 if tops(j,i) > tops(j-1,i)
0263                     TnG = 1;
0264                 elseif bases(j,i) < bases(j-1,i)
0265                     TnG = 1;
0266                 end
0267             else
0268                 if tops(j,i) < tops(j-1,i)
0269                     TnG = 1;
0270                 elseif bases(j,i) > bases(j-1,i)
0271                     TnG = 1;
0272                 end
0273             end
0274         end
0275     end
0276 end
0278 end
0280 function [shapes,shapesWeight,k,D_k] = matRad_siochiConvertToSegments(shapes,shapesWeight,k,tops,bases,visBool,i,D_k,numOfLevels,seqFig,seqSubPlots)
0281 %Convert tops and bases to shape matrices.  These are taken as to be the
0282 %shapes of uniform level/elevation after the rods are pushed.
0283 if nargin < 6
0284     visBool = 0;
0285 end
0288 levels = max(tops(:));
0290 for level = 1:levels
0291     %check if slab is new
0292     if matRad_siochiDifferentSlab(tops,bases,level)
0293         k = k+1; %increment number of unique slabs
0294         shape_k = (bases <= level).*(level <= tops); %shape of current slab
0295         shapes(:,:,k) = shape_k;
0296     end
0297     shapesWeight(k) = shapesWeight(k)+1; %if slab is not unique, this increments weight again
0299     if visBool
0300         %show the leaf positions
0301         [dimZ,dimX] = size(tops);
0302         seqSubPlots(4) = subplot(2,2,3.5,'parent',seqFig);
0303         imagesc(shape_k,'parent',seqSubPlots(4));
0304         hold(seqSubPlots(4),'on');
0305         set(seqSubPlots(4),'YDir','normal')
0306         xlabel(seqSubPlots(4),'x - direction parallel to leaf motion ')
0307         ylabel(seqSubPlots(4),'z - direction perpendicular to leaf motion ')
0308         title(seqSubPlots(4),['beam # ' num2str(i) ' shape # ' num2str(k) ' d_k = ' num2str(shapesWeight(k))]);
0309         for j = 1:dimZ
0310             leftLeafIx = find(shape_k(j,:)>0,1,'first');
0311             rightLeafIx = find(shape_k(j,:)>0,1,'last');
0312             if leftLeafIx > 1
0313                 plot(seqSubPlots(4),[.5 leftLeafIx-.5],j-[.5 .5] ,'w','LineWidth',2)
0314                 plot(seqSubPlots(4),[.5 leftLeafIx-.5],j+[.5 .5] ,'w','LineWidth',2)
0315                 plot(seqSubPlots(4),[ leftLeafIx-.5 leftLeafIx-.5],j+[.5 -.5] ,'w','LineWidth',2)
0316             end
0317             if rightLeafIx<dimX
0318                 plot(seqSubPlots(4),[dimX+.5 rightLeafIx+.5],j-[.5 .5] ,'w','LineWidth',2)
0319                 plot(seqSubPlots(4),[dimX+.5 rightLeafIx+.5],j+[.5 .5] ,'w','LineWidth',2)
0320                 plot(seqSubPlots(4),[ rightLeafIx+.5 rightLeafIx+.5],j+[.5 -.5] ,'w','LineWidth',2)
0321             end
0322             if isempty(rightLeafIx) && isempty (leftLeafIx)
0323                 plot(seqSubPlots(4),[dimX+.5 .5],j-[.5 .5] ,'w','LineWidth',2)
0324                 plot(seqSubPlots(4),[dimX+.5 .5],j+[.5 .5] ,'w','LineWidth',2)
0325                 plot(seqSubPlots(4),.5*dimX*[1 1]+[0.5],j+[.5 -.5] ,'w','LineWidth',2)
0326             end
0327         end
0328         pause(1);
0330         %Plot residual intensity matrix.
0331         D_k = D_k-shape_k; %residual intensity matrix for visualization
0332         seqSubPlots(2) = subplot(2,2,2,'parent',seqFig);
0333         imagesc(D_k,'parent',seqSubPlots(2));
0334         set(seqSubPlots(2),'CLim',[0 numOfLevels],'YDir','normal');
0335         title(seqSubPlots(2),['k = ' num2str(k)]);
0336         colorbar
0337         drawnow
0339         axis tight
0340         drawnow
0341     end
0342 end
0344 end
0346 function diffSlab = matRad_siochiDifferentSlab(tops,bases,level)
0347 %Returns 1 if slab level is different than slab level-1 0 otherwise
0349 if level == 1 %first slab is automatically different
0350     diffSlab = 1;
0351 else
0352     shapeLevel = (bases <= level).*(level <= tops); %shape of slab with current level
0353     shapeLevel_1 = (bases <= level-1).*(level-1 <= tops); %shape of slab with previous level
0354     diffSlab = ~isequal(shapeLevel,shapeLevel_1); %tests if slabs are equal; isequaln was not giving correct results
0355 end
0357 end

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