
Purpose ^

matRad function to visualize aperture shapes stored as struct

Synopsis ^

function matRad_visApertureInfo(apertureInfo,mode)

Description ^

 matRad function to visualize aperture shapes stored as struct


   apertureInfo: aperture weight and shape info struct
   mode:         switch to display leaf numbers ('leafNum') or physical
                 coordinates of the leaves ('physical')



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function matRad_visApertureInfo(apertureInfo,mode)
0002 % matRad function to visualize aperture shapes stored as struct
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 %   matRad_visApertureInfo(apertureInfo,mode)
0006 %
0007 % input
0008 %   apertureInfo: aperture weight and shape info struct
0009 %   mode:         switch to display leaf numbers ('leafNum') or physical
0010 %                 coordinates of the leaves ('physical')
0011 %
0012 % output
0013 %   -
0014 %
0015 % References
0016 %
0017 %   -
0018 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0019 %
0020 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0021 %
0022 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0023 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0024 % distribution and at No part
0025 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0026 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0027 % LICENSE file.
0028 %
0029 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0031 if nargin < 2 % set default mode to physical
0032     mode = 'leafNum'; % options: 'physical','leafNum'
0033 end
0035 % global parameters
0036 numOfBeams = size(apertureInfo.beam,2);
0037 bixelWidth = apertureInfo.bixelWidth;
0039 % custom colormap
0040 color = [0.2:0.01:0.8; 0.2:0.01:0.8; 0.2:0.01:0.8]';
0041 color = flipud(color);
0042 color(:,3) = 0;
0043 color(:,2) = 0;
0045 % loop over all beams
0046 for i=1:numOfBeams
0048     % open new figure for every beam
0049     figure('units','inches')
0051     % get the MLC dimensions for this beam
0052     minX = apertureInfo.beam(i).MLCWindow(1);
0053     maxX = apertureInfo.beam(i).MLCWindow(2);    
0055     %get maximum weight
0056     wMax = max([apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(:).weight]);
0057     if strcmp(mode,'leafNum')
0059         % get the active leaf Pairs
0060         % the leaf indices have to be flipped in order to fit to the order of
0061         % the leaf positions (1st row of leafPos is lowest row in physical
0062         % coordinates
0063         activeLeafInd = flipud(find(apertureInfo.beam(i).isActiveLeafPair));
0064     end
0066     subplotColumns = ceil(apertureInfo.beam(i).numOfShapes/2);
0067     subplotLines   = ceil(apertureInfo.beam(i).numOfShapes/subplotColumns);
0068     %adjust figure position
0069     set(gcf,'pos',[0 0 1.8*subplotColumns 3*subplotLines])
0071     % loop over all shapes of the beam
0072     for j = 1:apertureInfo.beam(i).numOfShapes
0074         % creating subplots
0075         subplot(subplotLines,subplotColumns,j)
0077         title(['Beam: ' num2str(i) ' Shape: ' num2str(j) ' w=' ...
0078                 num2str(apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).weight,2)],...
0079                     'Fontsize',8)
0080         colorInd = max(ceil((apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).weight/wMax)*61+eps),1);
0081         set(gca,'Color',color(colorInd,:));
0083         hold on
0085         if strcmp(mode,'physical')
0086             % loop over all active leaf pairs
0087             for k = 1:apertureInfo.beam(i).numOfActiveLeafPairs
0088                 fill([minX apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).leftLeafPos(k) ...
0089                         apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).leftLeafPos(k) minX],...
0090                         [apertureInfo.beam(i).leafPairPos(k)- bixelWidth/2 ...
0091                         apertureInfo.beam(i).leafPairPos(k)- bixelWidth/2 ...
0092                         apertureInfo.beam(i).leafPairPos(k)+ bixelWidth/2 ...
0093                         apertureInfo.beam(i).leafPairPos(k)+ bixelWidth/2],'b')
0094                  fill([apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).rightLeafPos(k) ...
0095                         maxX maxX ...
0096                         apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).rightLeafPos(k)],...
0097                         [apertureInfo.beam(i).leafPairPos(k)- bixelWidth/2 ...
0098                         apertureInfo.beam(i).leafPairPos(k)- bixelWidth/2 ...
0099                         apertureInfo.beam(i).leafPairPos(k)+ bixelWidth/2 ...
0100                         apertureInfo.beam(i).leafPairPos(k)+ bixelWidth/2],'b')                
0101             end
0102         elseif strcmp(mode,'leafNum')
0103             % loop over all active leaf pairs
0104             for k = 1:apertureInfo.beam(i).numOfActiveLeafPairs
0105                 fill([minX apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).leftLeafPos(k) ...
0106                     apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).leftLeafPos(k) minX],...
0107                     [activeLeafInd(k) - 1/2 ...
0108                     activeLeafInd(k) - 1/2 ...
0109                     activeLeafInd(k) + 1/2 ...
0110                     activeLeafInd(k) + 1/2],'b') 
0111                 fill([apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).rightLeafPos(k) ...
0112                     maxX maxX ...
0113                     apertureInfo.beam(i).shape(j).rightLeafPos(k)],...
0114                     [activeLeafInd(k) - 1/2 ...
0115                     activeLeafInd(k) - 1/2 ...
0116                     activeLeafInd(k) + 1/2 ...
0117                     activeLeafInd(k) + 1/2],'b')                
0118             end
0119         end
0121         axis tight
0122         xlabel('horiz. pos. [mm]')
0124         if strcmp(mode,'physical')
0125             ylabel('vert. pos. [mm]')
0126         elseif strcmp(mode,'leafNum')
0127             ylabel('leaf pair #')
0128         end
0130     end
0132 end
0134 end

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