
Purpose ^

matRad function that plots isolines in 3d

Synopsis ^

function hpatch = matRad_plotIsoDose3D(axesHandle,xMesh,yMesh,zMesh,doseCube,isoLevels,cMap,window,alpha)

Description ^

 matRad function that plots isolines in 3d

   hpatch = matRad_plotIsoDose3D(axesHandle,xMesh,yMesh,zMesh,doseCube,isoLevels,cMap,window,alpha)

   axesHandle  handle to axes the slice should be displayed in
   x/y/zMesh   meshs
   doseCube    dose cube
   isoLevels   levels for computation
   cMap        colormap
   window      window for dose display
   alpha       transparency

   hpatch: handle to the patch object



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.

 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
 distribution and at No part
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function hpatch = matRad_plotIsoDose3D(axesHandle,xMesh,yMesh,zMesh,doseCube,isoLevels,cMap,window,alpha)
0002 % matRad function that plots isolines in 3d
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 %   hpatch = matRad_plotIsoDose3D(axesHandle,xMesh,yMesh,zMesh,doseCube,isoLevels,cMap,window,alpha)
0006 %
0007 % input
0008 %   axesHandle  handle to axes the slice should be displayed in
0009 %   x/y/zMesh   meshs
0010 %   doseCube    dose cube
0011 %   isoLevels   levels for computation
0012 %   cMap        colormap
0013 %   window      window for dose display
0014 %   alpha       transparency
0015 %
0016 % output
0017 %   hpatch: handle to the patch object
0018 %
0019 % References
0020 %   -
0021 %
0022 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0023 %
0024 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0025 %
0026 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0027 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0028 % distribution and at No part
0029 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0030 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0031 % LICENSE file.
0032 %
0033 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0035 matRad_cfg = MatRad_Config.instance();
0037 if nargin < 9
0038     alpha = 0.1;
0039 end
0041 if nargin < 8
0042     window = [min(doseCube(:)) max(doseCube(:))];
0043 end
0045 if nargin < 7
0046     cMap = jet(64);
0047 end
0049 if nargin < 6
0050     isoLevels = linspace(window(1),window(2),5);
0051 end
0053 cMapScale = size(cMap,1) - 1;
0055 isoColorLevel = uint8(cMapScale*(isoLevels - window(1))./(window(2)-window(1)));
0057 %This circumenvents a bug in Octave when the index in the image hase the maximum value of uint8
0058 if matRad_cfg.isOctave
0059     isoColorLevel(isoColorLevel == 255) = 254;
0060 end
0062 colors = squeeze(ind2rgb(isoColorLevel,cMap));
0064 for isoValIx = 1:numel(isoLevels)
0065     hpatch = patch(axesHandle,isosurface(xMesh,yMesh,zMesh,doseCube,isoLevels(isoValIx)));
0066     reducepatch(hpatch);
0067     isonormals(xMesh,yMesh,zMesh,doseCube,hpatch);
0068     hpatch.FaceColor = colors(isoValIx,:);
0069     hpatch.EdgeColor = 'none';
0070     hpatch.FaceAlpha = alpha;
0071 end
0072 end

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