
Purpose ^

gamma index calculation

Synopsis ^

function [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,slice,n,localglobal,cst)

Description ^

 gamma index calculation 
 according to
   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,cst)
   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,slice,cst)
   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,n,cst)
   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,localglobal,cst)
   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,slice,n,cst)
   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,slice,n,localglobal,cst)

   cube1:         dose cube as an M x N x O array
   cube2:         dose cube as an M x N x O array
   resolution:    resolution of the cubes [mm/voxel]
   criteria:      [1x2] vector specifying the distance to agreement
                  criterion; first element is percentage difference,
                  second element is distance [mm]
   slice:         (optional) slice in cube1/2 that will be visualized 
   n:             (optional) number of interpolations. there will be 2^n-1 
                  interpolation points. The maximum suggested value is 3.
   localglobal:   (optional) parameter to choose between 'global' and 'local' 
   cst:           list of interessing volumes inside the patient


   gammaCube:          result of gamma index calculation
   gammaPassRateCell:  rate of voxels passing the specified gamma criterion 
                  evaluated for every structure listed in 'cst'.
                  note that only voxels exceeding the dose threshold are



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,slice,n,localglobal,cst)
0002 % gamma index calculation
0003 % according to
0004 %
0005 % call
0006 %   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,cst)
0007 %   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,slice,cst)
0008 %   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,n,cst)
0009 %   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,localglobal,cst)
0010 %   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,slice,n,cst)
0011 %               ...
0012 %   [gammaCube,gammaPassRateCell] = matRad_gammaIndex(cube1,cube2,resolution,criteria,slice,n,localglobal,cst)
0013 %
0014 % input
0015 %   cube1:         dose cube as an M x N x O array
0016 %   cube2:         dose cube as an M x N x O array
0017 %   resolution:    resolution of the cubes [mm/voxel]
0018 %   criteria:      [1x2] vector specifying the distance to agreement
0019 %                  criterion; first element is percentage difference,
0020 %                  second element is distance [mm]
0021 %   slice:         (optional) slice in cube1/2 that will be visualized
0022 %   n:             (optional) number of interpolations. there will be 2^n-1
0023 %                  interpolation points. The maximum suggested value is 3.
0024 %   localglobal:   (optional) parameter to choose between 'global' and 'local'
0025 %                  normalization
0026 %   cst:           list of interessing volumes inside the patient
0027 %
0028 % output
0029 %
0030 %   gammaCube:          result of gamma index calculation
0031 %   gammaPassRateCell:  rate of voxels passing the specified gamma criterion
0032 %                  evaluated for every structure listed in 'cst'.
0033 %                  note that only voxels exceeding the dose threshold are
0034 %                  considered.
0035 %
0036 % References
0037 %   [1]
0038 %
0039 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0040 %
0041 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0042 %
0043 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0044 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0045 % distribution and at No part
0046 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0047 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0048 % LICENSE file.
0049 %
0050 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0052 [env, ~] = matRad_getEnvironment();
0054 % set parameters for gamma index calculation
0055 if exist('criteria','var')
0056     relDoseThreshold = criteria(1); % in [%]
0057     dist2AgreeMm     = criteria(2); % in [mm]
0058 else
0059     dist2AgreeMm     = 3; % in [mm]
0060     relDoseThreshold = 3; % in [%]
0061 end
0063 % set parameters for gamma index calculation
0064 if ~exist('n','var')
0065     n = 0;
0066 end
0068 % set global or local gamma evaluation
0069 if ~exist('localglobal','var')
0070     localglobal = 'global';
0071 end
0073 % check if cubes consistent
0074 if ~isequal(size(cube1),size(cube2))
0075    error('dose cubes must be the same size\n'); 
0076 end
0078 % define search nighborhood and resolution
0079 if round(n) ~= n
0080     error('n must be an integer value');
0081 else
0082     resolution = resolution./(2.^n);
0083 end
0085 neighborhood = 1.5* dist2AgreeMm; % [mm]
0086 searchX = ceil(neighborhood./resolution(1));
0087 searchY = ceil(neighborhood./resolution(2));
0088 searchZ = ceil(neighborhood./resolution(3));
0090 % init cube
0091 % cut all the zeros surrounding the interesting part
0092 cut1 = any(any(cube1,2),3);
0093 cut2 = any(any(cube1,1),3);
0094 cut3 = any(any(cube1,1),2);
0096 % avoids that "zero-slides" are deleted between two interest regions
0097 k = find(cut1); cut1(k(1):k(end)) = 1;
0098 k = find(cut2); cut2(k(1):k(end)) = 1;
0099 k = find(cut2); cut2(k(1):k(end)) = 1;
0101 % copy cubes
0102 cubex1c = cube1;
0103 cubex2c = cube2;
0105 % cut cubes
0106 cubex1c( ~cut1, :, :) = []; % rows
0107 cubex1c( :, ~cut2, :) = []; % columns
0108 cubex1c( :, :, ~cut3) = []; % slices
0109 cubex2c( ~cut1, :, :) = []; % rows
0110 cubex2c( :, ~cut2, :) = []; % columns
0111 cubex2c( :, :, ~cut3) = []; % slices
0113 % pad cubes
0114 cubex2 = zeros([size(cubex2c,1)+2*searchX size(cubex2c,2)+2*searchY size(cubex2c,3)+2*searchZ]);
0115 cubex2((1+searchX):(end-searchX), ...
0116        (1+searchY):(end-searchY), ...
0117        (1+searchZ):(end-searchZ)) = cubex2c;
0119 % interpolate if necessary
0120 if n > 0
0121     switch env
0122         case 'MATLAB'
0123             cubex2 = interp3(cubex2,n,'cubic');
0124         case 'OCTAVE'
0125             cubex2 = interp3(cubex2,n,'linear');
0126     end
0127 end
0129 % set up temporary cubes required for calculation
0130 gammaCubeSq = inf*ones(size(cubex1c));
0132 % adjust dose threshold
0133 if strcmp(localglobal,'local')
0134     doseThreshold = cubex1c .* relDoseThreshold/100;                
0135 elseif strcmp(localglobal,'global')
0136     doseThreshold = relDoseThreshold/100 * max(cube1(:));
0137 end
0139 % search for min
0140 for i = -searchX:searchX
0141     for j = -searchY:searchY
0142         for k = -searchZ:searchZ
0144             delta_sq = ((i*resolution(1))^2 + ...
0145                         (j*resolution(2))^2 + ...
0146                         (k*resolution(3))^2) / dist2AgreeMm^2;                 
0148             tmpCube = cubex1c - cubex2((1+((2^n)*searchX)+i) : 2^n : (end-((2^n)*searchX)+i), ...
0149                                        (1+((2^n)*searchY)+j) : 2^n : (end-((2^n)*searchY)+j), ...
0150                                        (1+((2^n)*searchZ)+k) : 2^n : (end-((2^n)*searchZ)+k));
0152             tmpCube = tmpCube.^2 ./ doseThreshold.^2 + delta_sq;
0154             gammaCubeSq = min(gammaCubeSq,tmpCube);
0157         end
0158     end
0160 %     display '.';
0162 end
0164 % evaluate gamma cube and set to zero all the voxel that contain an
0165 % infinite value
0166 gammaCubeSqx                 = zeros(size(cube1));
0167 gammaCubeSqx(cut1,cut2,cut3) = gammaCubeSq;
0168 gammaCube                    = sqrt(gammaCubeSqx);
0170 % set values where we did not compute gamma keeping inf in the cube to zero
0171 gammaCube(cube1<=0 & cube2<=0) = 0;
0173 % compute gamma pass rate
0174 doseIx          = cube1 > relDoseThreshold/100*max(cube1(:)) | cube2 > relDoseThreshold/100*max(cube2(:));
0175 numOfPassGamma  = sum(gammaCube(doseIx) < 1);
0176 gammaPassRate   = 100 * numOfPassGamma / sum(doseIx(:));
0178 % compute stats for all segmented sturtures
0179 if exist('cst','var')
0180     gammaPassRateCell = cell(1,2);
0181     gammaPassRateCell{1,1} = 'Whole CT';
0182     gammaPassRateCell{1,2} = gammaPassRate;
0184     for i = 1:size(cst, 1)
0185         volume = cst{i,4}{1,1}; % indices of voxels of the interesting volume
0186         doseIxVol = false(size(doseIx)); 
0187         doseIxVol(volume) = doseIx(volume); 
0188         numOfPassGammaVol  = sum(gammaCube(doseIxVol) < 1);
0189         gammaPassRateVol   = 100 * numOfPassGammaVol / sum(doseIxVol(:));
0190         if isnan(gammaPassRateVol) % remove organs not receiving any dose (resulting in NaN)
0191             continue;
0192         end
0193         gammaPassRateCell{end+1, 1} = cst{i,2};
0194         gammaPassRateCell{end, 2} = gammaPassRateVol;
0196     end
0197 end
0199 % visualize if applicable
0200 if exist('slice','var') && ~isempty(slice)
0201     figure
0202     set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]);
0203     imagesc(gammaCube(:,:,slice),[0 2])
0204     myColormap = matRad_getColormap('gammaIndex');
0206     colormap(gca,myColormap);
0207     colorbar
0209     title({[num2str(gammaPassRate,5) '% of points > ' num2str(relDoseThreshold) ...
0210             '% pass gamma criterion (' num2str(relDoseThreshold) '% / ' ...
0211             num2str(dist2AgreeMm) 'mm)']; ['with ' num2str(2^n-1) ' interpolation points']});
0212 end

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