
Purpose ^

matRad NRRD reader

Synopsis ^

function [cube, metadata] = matRad_readNRRD(filename)

Description ^

 matRad NRRD reader
   [cube, metadata] = matRad_readNRRD(filename)

   filename:   full path to nrrd file

   cube:       the read cube
   metadata:   metadata from header information



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Subfunctions ^

Source code ^

0001 function [cube, metadata] = matRad_readNRRD(filename)
0002 % matRad NRRD reader
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 %   [cube, metadata] = matRad_readNRRD(filename)
0006 %
0007 % input
0008 %   filename:   full path to nrrd file
0009 %
0010 % output
0011 %   cube:       the read cube
0012 %   metadata:   metadata from header information
0013 %
0014 % References
0015 %   [1]
0016 %
0017 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0018 %
0019 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0020 %
0021 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0022 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0023 % distribution and at No part
0024 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0025 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0026 % LICENSE file.
0027 %
0028 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0030 % Open file.
0031 hFile = fopen(filename, 'r');
0032 if hFile <= 0
0033     error('Could not open NRRD file!');
0034 end
0035 cleaner = onCleanup(@() fclose(hFile));
0037 %% Determine NRRD Version
0038 nrrdLine = fgetl(hFile);
0039 regTokens = regexp(nrrdLine,'NRRD00(?:\.)?0([1-5])','tokens');
0040 if isempty(regTokens)
0041     error('Invalid Header line! Could not identify NRRD version!');
0042 end
0043 nrrdVersion = str2num(regTokens{1}{1});
0045 if nrrdVersion > 5
0046     error('NRRD version > 5 not supported!');
0047 end
0049 %% Read header
0050 nrrdMetaData.fields = cell(0,2);
0051 nrrdMetaData.keys = cell(0,2);
0052 nrrdMetaData.comments = cell(0);
0054 currentLine = fgetl(hFile);
0055 while ~isempty(currentLine) && ischar(currentLine) %NRRD separates data from header by an empty line
0056     %Check for comment
0057     if isequal(currentLine(1),'#')
0058         nrrdMetaData.comments{end+1} = currentLine;
0059     else
0060         %Parse the line
0061         lineContent = regexp(currentLine, '(.+):(=|\s)(.+)', 'tokens');
0062         if isempty(lineContent)
0063             warning(['Could not parse line: "' lineContent '"']);
0064         elseif isequal(lineContent{1}{2},' ') %space after colon refers to "field"
0065             nrrdMetaData.fields{end+1,1} = lineContent{1}{1}; %Fieldname
0066             nrrdMetaData.fields{end,2} = lineContent{1}{3}; %Information
0067         elseif isequal(lineContent{1}{2},'=') %= after colon refers to key-value pair
0068             nrrdMetaData.keys{end+1,1} = lineContent{1}{1}; %Key
0069             nrrdMetaData.keys{end,2} = lineContent{1}{3}; %Value
0070         else
0071             warning(['Could not parse line: "' lineContent '"']);
0072         end        
0073     end
0074     currentLine = fgetl(hFile);
0075 end
0077 %% Interpret Headers
0078 %check for the always required data type (and endian if required)
0079 doSwapBytes = false; %If endian differs
0080 typeFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'type'));
0081 if ~isempty(typeFieldIx)
0082     datatype = getMATLABdataType(nrrdMetaData.fields{typeFieldIx,2});
0083     %if size of the datatype is > 1 byte, we need endian information
0084     if ~isequal(datatype(end),'8')
0085         endianFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1),'endian'));
0086         if ~isempty(endianFieldIx)
0087             if ~isequal(nrrdMetaData.fields{endianFieldIx,2},'little') && ~isequal(nrrdMetaData.fields{endianFieldIx,2},'big')
0088                 error(['Datatype is ' datatype ', thus endian information is required but could not be interpreted!']);
0089             end;
0090             %Now we compare the file endian to the system endian
0091             %First acquire system endian
0092             [~,~,endian] = computer();
0093             if isequal(endian,'B')
0094                 endian = 'big';
0095             end;
0096             if isequal(endian,'L')
0097                 endian = 'little';
0098             end;
0099             %now compare to file endian and set flag if appropriate
0100             if ~isequal(endian,nrrdMetaData.fields{endianFieldIx,2})
0101                 doSwapBytes = true;
0102             end
0103         else
0104             error(['Datatype is ' datatype ', thus endian information is required but could not be found!']);
0105         end
0106     end
0107     metadata.datatype = datatype;
0109 else
0110     error('Could not find required "type" field!');
0111 end
0113 %Check for the always required image dimension
0114 dimFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'dimension')); 
0115 if ~isempty(dimFieldIx)
0116     [metadata.dimension,success] = str2num(nrrdMetaData.fields{dimFieldIx,2});
0117     if ~success
0118         error('Could not read required dimension field');
0119     end
0120 else
0121     error('Could not find required "dimension" field!');
0122 end
0124 %Check for size / dim length
0125 sizeFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'sizes')); 
0126 if ~isempty(sizeFieldIx)
0127     sizes = textscan(nrrdMetaData.fields{sizeFieldIx,2},'%d');
0128     if numel(sizes{1}) ~= metadata.dimension || ~all(sizes{1} > 0) 
0129         error('Incorrect size definition!');
0130     end
0131     metadata.cubeDim = sizes{1}';
0132 else
0133     error('Could not find required "dimension" field!');
0134 end
0136 %Check for resolution
0137 %Here we need either spacings ore space directions
0138 spacingFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'spacings'));
0139 spaceDirFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'space directions'));
0140 if ~isempty(spacingFieldIx)
0141     resolutions = textscan(nrrdMetaData.fields{spacingFieldIx,2},'%f');
0142     if numel(resolutions{1}) ~= metadata.dimension
0143         error('Incorrect spacings definition');
0144     end
0145     metadata.resolution = resolutions{1}';    
0147     %We have default permutation here (required for mapping to MATLAB
0148     %default order 2 1 3)
0149     metadata.axisPermutation = [1 2 3];
0151 elseif ~isempty(spaceDirFieldIx)
0152     %space directions are written in vector format
0153     %first create the scanning string
0154     vectorstring = '(';
0155     for c=1:metadata.dimension
0156         vectorstring = [vectorstring '%f,'];
0157     end
0158     vectorstring(end) = ')';
0159     %Get the vectors
0160     vectors = textscan(nrrdMetaData.fields{spaceDirFieldIx,2},vectorstring);
0162     %At the moment we only support cartesian basis vectors
0163     %this gives us the permutation to align with the MATLAB default
0164     %ordering of 2 1 3
0165     for c=1:metadata.dimension
0166         %check if cartesian basis vector
0167         currentAxis = find(vectors{c});
0169         if numel(find(vectors{c})) ~= 1
0170             error('Sorry! We currently only support spaces with cartesian basis!'); 
0171         end        
0172         metadata.axisPermutation(c) = currentAxis*sign(vectors{c}(currentAxis));
0173         metadata.resolution(c) = vectors{c}(currentAxis);       
0174     end
0176 else
0177     warning('No Resolution Information available');
0178 end
0180 %find the origin if we have one
0181 originFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'space origin'));
0182 if ~isempty(originFieldIx)
0183     %first create the scanning string
0184     vectorstring = '(';
0185     for c=1:metadata.dimension
0186         vectorstring = [vectorstring '%f,'];
0187     end
0188     originVector = textscan(nrrdMetaData.fields{originFieldIx,2},vectorstring);
0189     for c=1:metadata.dimension
0190         metadata.imageOrigin(c) = originVector{c};
0191     end
0192     %metadata.imageOrigin = transpose(metadata.imageOrigin);
0193 end
0195 %Coordinate system - optional
0196 originFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'space'));
0197 if ~isempty(originFieldIx)
0198     metadata.coordinateSystem = nrrdMetaData.fields{originFieldIx,2};
0199 end
0201 %Check for separate file
0202 data_fileFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'data file'));
0203 datafileFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'datafile'));
0204 if ~isempty(data_fileFieldIx) || ~isempty(datafileFieldIx)
0205     error('Sorry! We currently do not support detached data files!');
0206     %Proposed workflow:
0207     %check for data file
0208     %close file
0209     %replace file handle with data file
0210     %continue without the read part knowing its a new file
0211 end
0214 %% Read Data
0215 %Check for encoding
0216 encodingFieldIx = find(ismember(nrrdMetaData.fields(:,1), 'encoding'));
0217 if isempty(encodingFieldIx)
0218     error('Could not find required "encoding" field!');
0219 end
0220 switch nrrdMetaData.fields{encodingFieldIx,2}
0221     case 'raw'
0222         cube = fread(hFile,prod(metadata.cubeDim), metadata.datatype);
0223     case {'txt','text','ascii'}
0224         cube = cast(fscanf(hFile,'%f'),metadata.datatype);
0225     case 'hex'
0226         error('Sorry: NRRD hex file not yet supported!');
0227     case {'gz','gzip'}
0228         compressedByteArray = fread(hFile, inf, 'uint8');
0230         javaUnpackSuccessful = false;
0232         if isempty(javachk('jvm'))
0233             %Unzip with java
0234             try
0235                 javaByteStream =;
0236                 gzipStream =;
0237                 javaByteOutputStream =;
0238       ,javaByteOutputStream);
0239                 gzipStream.close();
0240                 cube = typecast(javaByteOutputStream.toByteArray(),metadata.datatype)';
0241                 javaByteStream.close();
0242                 javaByteOutputStream.close();
0243                 javaUnpackSuccessful = true;
0244             catch
0245                 warning('Java unpacking failed... using temporary files!');
0246             end
0247         end
0248         if ~javaUnpackSuccessful
0249             %Copy content to temporary file
0250             tmpName = tempname();
0251             tmpFile = [tmpName '.gz'];
0252             hFileTmp = fopen(tmpFile, 'wb');
0254             if hFileTmp <= 0
0255                 error('Could not open temporary file for GZIP!');
0256             end
0258             fwrite(hFileTmp, compressedByteArray, 'uint8');
0259             fclose(hFileTmp);
0261             %Unzip with gzip
0262             gunzip(tmpFile);
0264             %Read the uncompressed file
0265             hFileTmp = fopen(tmpName, 'rb');
0266             if hFileTmp <= 0
0267                 error('Could not open unpacked file!');
0268             end
0269             cleanTmpFile = onCleanup(@() fclose(hFileTmp));
0271             cube = fread(hFileTmp, prod(metadata.cubeDim), metadata.datatype);
0272         end
0273     case {'bz2','bzip2'}
0274         error('Sorry: bzip compression not yet supported!');
0275     otherwise 
0276         error(['Undefined NRRD encoding scheme: ' nrrdMetaData.encoding]);
0277 end
0279 %maybe we need to correct the byte ordering (endian)
0280 if doSwapBytes
0281     swapbytes(cube);
0282 end
0284 if numel(metadata.cubeDim) > 1
0286     %first we shape the data into a cube
0287     cube = reshape(cube,metadata.cubeDim);
0289     %now we have to do the permutations, 2 1 3 ... is the MATLAB default
0290     %We create a transform matrix that transforms a permutation to MATLAB
0291     %default
0292     permutationTransformMatrix = diag(ones(metadata.dimension,1));
0293     permutationTransformMatrix(1:2,1:2) = flip(permutationTransformMatrix(1:2,1:2));
0295     applyPermutation = permutationTransformMatrix*metadata.axisPermutation';
0297     cube = permute(cube,applyPermutation);
0298 end
0302 end
0304 %This function wraps datatype definitions to the one used by MATLAB
0305 function datatype = getMATLABdataType(typestring)
0306 %The typedefinitions are taken directly from Section 5 of the NRRD
0307 %definition
0308 switch typestring
0309     case {'signed char','int8','int8_t'}
0310         datatype = 'int8';     
0311     case {'uchar','unsigned char','uint8','uint8_t'}
0312         datatype = 'uint8';        
0313     case {'short','short int','signed short','signed short int','int16','int16_t'}
0314         datatype = 'int16';        
0315     case {'ushort','unsigned short','unsigned short int','uint16','uint16_t'}
0316         datatype = 'uint16';        
0317     case {'int','signed int','int32','int32_t'}
0318         datatype = 'int32';        
0319     case {'uint','unsigned int','uint32','uint32_t'}
0320         datatype = 'uint32';        
0321     case {'longlong','long long','long long int','signed long long','signed long long int','int64','int64_t'}
0322         datatype = 'int64';        
0323     case {'ulonglong', 'unsigned long long', 'unsigned long long int','uint64','uint64_t'}
0324         datatype = 'uint64';        
0325     case 'float'
0326         datatype = 'single';        
0327     case 'double'
0328         datatype = 'double';        
0329     otherwise
0330         error('Could not identify datatype for NRRD data');
0331 end
0333 end

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