
Purpose ^

matRad Cube read wrapper

Synopsis ^

function [cube, metadata] = matRad_readCube(filename)

Description ^

 matRad Cube read wrapper
 determines the extension and assigns the appropriate reader to it

   filename:   full path of the file


 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function [cube, metadata] = matRad_readCube(filename)
0002 % matRad Cube read wrapper
0003 % determines the extension and assigns the appropriate reader to it
0004 %
0005 % call
0006 %   matRad_readCube(filename)
0007 %
0008 % input
0009 %   filename:   full path of the file
0010 %
0011 %
0012 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0013 %
0014 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0015 %
0016 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0017 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0018 % distribution and at No part
0019 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0020 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0021 % LICENSE file.
0022 %
0023 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0025 if ~exist(filename,'file')
0026     error(['File ' filename ' does not exist!']);
0027 end
0029 [pathstr,name,ext] = fileparts(filename);
0031 switch ext
0032     case {'.nrrd','.NRRD'}
0033         disp(['Reading NRRD: ' filename '...']);
0034         [cube, metadata] = matRad_readNRRD(filename);
0035         disp('Done!');
0036     otherwise
0037         error(['Extension ' ext ' not (yet) supported!']);
0038 end
0039 = name;
0040 metadata.path = pathstr;
0042 end

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