
Purpose ^

matRad patient import from binary files (CT and masks)

Synopsis ^

function [ct,cst] = matRad_importPatient(ctFile,maskFiles,hlutFilename)

Description ^

 matRad patient import from binary files (CT and masks)
   [ct,cst] = matRad_importPatient(cubeFile,maskFiles)
   [ct,cst] = matRad_importPatient(cubeFile,maskFiles, hlutFilename)

   ctFile:     path to CT file. If HLUT is not set, values are interpreted
               as HU and interpolated to ED. 
   maskFiles:  cell array with filenames to the masks
               if maskFiels contains a folder, all contained and
               recognized data files are treated as masks
   hlutFilname:(optional) HLUT, (n,2) array. if set to 'default', we will
               use a default HLUT
   ct          ct struct for use with matlab
   cst         cst struct for use with matlab


 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Subfunctions ^

Source code ^

0001 function [ct,cst] = matRad_importPatient(ctFile,maskFiles,hlutFilename)
0002 % matRad patient import from binary files (CT and masks)
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 %   [ct,cst] = matRad_importPatient(cubeFile,maskFiles)
0006 %   [ct,cst] = matRad_importPatient(cubeFile,maskFiles, hlutFilename)
0007 %
0008 % input
0009 %   ctFile:     path to CT file. If HLUT is not set, values are interpreted
0010 %               as HU and interpolated to ED.
0011 %   maskFiles:  cell array with filenames to the masks
0012 %               if maskFiels contains a folder, all contained and
0013 %               recognized data files are treated as masks
0014 %   hlutFilname:(optional) HLUT, (n,2) array. if set to 'default', we will
0015 %               use a default HLUT
0016 % output
0017 %   ct          ct struct for use with matlab
0018 %   cst         cst struct for use with matlab
0019 %
0020 %
0021 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0022 %
0023 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0024 %
0025 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0026 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0027 % distribution and at No part
0028 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0029 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0030 % LICENSE file.
0031 %
0032 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0035 [cube, metadata] = matRad_readCube(ctFile);
0037 ct = struct();
0038 cst = cell(0,6);
0040 ct.cubeHU{1} = cube;
0042 if nargin == 3
0043     HLUT = matRad_readHLUT(hlutFilename);
0044     ct.cube{1} = interp1(HLUT(:,1),HLUT(:,2),double(cube));
0045     ct.hlut = HLUT;
0046 end
0048 ct.cubeDim = metadata.cubeDim;
0049 ct.resolution.x = metadata.resolution(1);
0050 ct.resolution.y = metadata.resolution(2);
0051 ct.resolution.z = metadata.resolution(3);
0053 ct.numOfCtScen = 1;
0055 maskId = 1;
0056 hGlobalWaitbar = waitbar(0,'Importing Segmentations');
0057 set(findall(hGlobalWaitbar,'type','text'),'Interpreter','none');
0061 for f=1:numel(maskFiles)
0062     maskFile = maskFiles{f};
0063     waitbar(f/numel(maskFiles),hGlobalWaitbar,['Importing Segmentations: ' maskFiles{f}]);
0064     if exist(maskFile,'dir')
0065         contents = dir(maskFile);
0066         hFolderWaitbar = waitbar(0,'Importing Folder');
0067         set(findall(hFolderWaitbar,'type','text'),'Interpreter','none');
0068         for s=1:numel(contents)
0069             waitbar(s/numel(contents),hFolderWaitbar,['Importing Folder: ' contents(s).name]);            
0070             if(~contents(s).isdir)
0071                 [mask, maskMeta] = matRad_readCube(fullfile(maskFile,contents(s).name));
0072                 cstLine = importMaskToCstLine(maskId,mask,maskMeta);
0073                 cst = [cst; cstLine]; 
0074                 maskId = maskId + 1;
0075             end            
0076         end
0077         delete(hFolderWaitbar);
0078     elseif exist(maskFile,'file')
0079         [mask,maskMeta] = matRad_readCube(maskFile);  
0080         cstLine = importMaskToCstLine(maskId,mask,maskMeta);
0081         cst = [cst; cstLine];           
0082         maskId = maskId + 1;
0083     else
0084         disp(['Ignored file/dir ' maskFile '!']);
0085     end
0086 end
0088 delete(hGlobalWaitbar);
0091 %Assign default colors
0092 colors = colorcube(size(cst,1));
0093 for i = 1:size(cst,1)
0094     cst{i,5}.visibleColor = colors(i,:);
0095 end
0097 end
0099 function cstLine = importMaskToCstLine(maskId,mask,maskMeta)  
0100     cstLine = cell(1,6);
0101     cstLine{1} = maskId - 1;
0102     cstLine{2} =;
0103     cstLine{3} = tryToGetVoiTypeByName(;
0104     cstLine{4}{1} = find(mask > 0);
0105     cstLine{5}.Priority = maskId;
0106     cstLine{5}.alphaX = 0.1;
0107     cstLine{5}.betaX = 0.05;
0108     cstLine{5}.Visible = 1;
0109 end
0111 function type = tryToGetVoiTypeByName(voiName)
0112     targetNames = {'target'; 'ptv'; 'ctv'};
0113     for n=1:numel(targetNames)
0114         found = strfind(lower(voiName),lower(targetNames{n}));
0115         if ~isempty(found)
0116             type = 'TARGET';
0117             return;
0118         end
0119     end
0120     type = 'OAR';
0121 end

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