
Purpose ^

Synopsis ^

This is a script file.

Description ^

Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Subfunctions ^

Source code ^

0001 classdef MatRad_MCsquareConfig
0002 % MatRad_MCsquareConfig class definition
0003 %
0004 %
0005 % References
0006 %
0007 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0008 %
0009 % Copyright 2019 the matRad development team.
0010 %
0011 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0012 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0013 % distribution and at No part
0014 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0015 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0016 % LICENSE file.
0017 %
0018 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0022     properties       
0024         %%% Simulation parameters:
0025         Num_Threads   =    0;        % Number of parallel calculation threads. Default: 0 = max available threads
0026         RNG_Seed      =    0;        % Seed for the random number generator (deterministic result only with single thread). Default: 0 = seed based on the time
0027         Num_Primaries = 1e6;        % Number of primary protons to simulate. Default: 1e7
0028         E_Cut_Pro     =    0.5;        % Energy cut (in MeV) below which heavy charged particles are locally absorbed. Default: 0.5
0029         D_Max          =    0.2;        % Maximum distance between two step (cm). Default: 0.2
0030         Epsilon_Max   =    0.25;        % Fractional energy loss (dE/T) per step. Default: 0.25
0031         Te_Min          =    0.05;        % Threshold energy (MeV) for the production of secondary electrons (currently locally absorbed). Default: 0.05
0032         % As a reference: 200 MeV protons can transfer a maximum energy of 0.5 MeV to ?-electrons which correspond to a range of 7 mm in lung tissues.
0034         %%% Input files
0035         CT_File                     = 'Patient.mhd';                % Name of the CT file. Default: CT.mhd
0036         HU_Density_Conversion_File    = 'Scanners/matRad_water/HU_Density_Conversion.txt';    % Name of the file containing HU to density conversion data. Default: HU_Density_Conversion.txt
0037         HU_Material_Conversion_File    = 'Scanners/matRad_water/HU_Material_Conversion.txt';    % Name of the file containing HU to material conversion data. Default: HU_Material_Conversion.txt
0038         BDL_Machine_Parameter_File  = 'BDL/BDL_matrad.txt';            % Name of the machine parameter file for the beam data library. Default: BDL.txt
0039         BDL_Plan_File               = 'PlanPencil.txt';            % Name of the plan file for the beam data library. Default: Plan.txt
0041         %%% Physical parameters
0042         Simulate_Nuclear_Interactions = true;     % Enable/Disable the simulation of nuclear interactions. Default: True
0043         Simulate_Secondary_Protons      = true;         % Enable/Disable the simulation of secondary protons (emitted during nuclear interactions). Default: True
0044         Simulate_Secondary_Deuterons  = true;        % Enable/Disable the simulation of secondary deuterons (emitted during nuclear interactions). Default: True
0045         Simulate_Secondary_Alphas     = true;           % Enable/Disable the simulation of secondary alphas (emitted during nuclear interactions). Default: True
0048         %%% 4D simulation
0049         fourD_Mode                = false;    % Enable/Disable the 4D simulation mode. Default: False
0050         fourD_Dose_Accumulation = false;        % Enable/Disable the dose accumulation for all 4D-CT phases. Default: False
0051         Field_type              = 'Velocity';    % Field type: Displacement or Velocity. Default: Velocity
0052         Create_Ref_from_4DCT    = false;        % Create the reference phase image from 4D CT images (True), or import the reference image (False). Default: False
0053         Create_4DCT_from_Ref    = false;        % Create 4D CT images by deforming the reference phase image (True), or import 4D CT images (False). Default: False
0054         Dynamic_delivery        = false;        % Enable/Disable simulation of dynamic delivery (interplay simulation). Default: False
0055         Breathing_period        = 7.0;        % Period (in seconds) of the breathing motion. Default: 7.0
0058         %%% Robustness simulation
0059         Robustness_Mode            = false;     % Enable/Disable the robustness verification mode. Default: False
0060         %Scenario_selection         = 'All'        % Method for scenario selection: All (simulate all combinations), Random (randomly sample scenarios). Default: All
0061         Simulate_nominal_plan      = true;        % Simulate the nominal plan (without any systematic or random uncertainty). Default: True
0062         %Systematic_Setup_Error     = [0.25 0.25 0.25];    % Systematic error for the patient setup along the XYZ axes (cm). Default: 0.25 0.25 0.25
0063         %Random_Setup_Error         = [0.1  0.1  0.1];    % Standard deviation of the patient random setup error along the XYZ axes (cm). Default: 0.1 0.1 0.1
0064         %Systematic_Range_Error     = 3.0;        % Systematic error in percent of the proton range (%). Default: 3.0
0065         %Systematic_Amplitude_Error = 5.0;        % Systematic error in percent of the breathing motion amplitude for 4D simulations. Default: 5.0
0066         %Random_Amplitude_Error        = 5.0;        % Random error in percent of the breathing motion amplitude for 4D simulations. Default: 5.0
0067         %Systematic_Period_Error    = 5.0;        % Systematic error in percent of the breathing motion period for simulations of interplay with dynamic delivery. Default: 5.0
0068         %Random_Period_Error        = 5.0;        % Random error in percent of the breathing motion period for simulations of interplay with dynamic delivery. Default: 5.0
0071         %%% Beamlet simulation
0072         Beamlet_Mode            = false;     % Enable/Disable the beamlet computation mode. Default: False
0073         Beamlet_Parallelization = false;    % Parallelization on beamlet level is sometimes faster for beamlet simulation. This requires more memory. Default: False
0076         %%% Output parameters
0077         Output_Directory =  'MCsquareOutput';    % Name of the output directory. Default: Outputs
0079         Energy_ASCII_Output     = false;    % Enable/Disable the output of Energy in ASCII format. Default: False
0080         Energy_MHD_Output    = false;    % Enable/Disable the output of Energy in MHD format. Default: False
0081         Energy_Sparse_Output = false;    % Enable/Disable the output of Energy in Sparse matrix format. Default: False
0082         Dose_ASCII_Output     = false;    % Enable/Disable the output of Dose in ASCII format. Default: False
0083         Dose_MHD_Output         = true;    % Enable/Disable the output of Dose in MHD format. Default: True
0084         Dose_Sparse_Output     = true;    % Enable/Disable the output of Dose in Sparse matrix format. Default: False
0085         LET_ASCII_Output     = false;    % Enable/Disable the output of LET in ASCII format. Default: False
0086         LET_MHD_Output         = false;    % Enable/Disable the output of LET in MHD format. Default: False
0087         LET_Sparse_Output     = false;    % Enable/Disable the output of LET in Sparse matrix format. Default: False
0089         Densities_Output = false;    % Enable/Disable the export of the density map (converted from the CT image). Default: False
0090         Materials_Output = false;    % Enable/Disable the export of the map of materials (converted from the CT image). Default: False
0092         Compute_DVH = false;    % Enable/Disable the computation and export of DVH based on RT-Struct binary masks. Default: False
0094         Dose_Sparse_Threshold    = 0;    % The dose values above the threshold will be stored in the sparse matrix file. Default: 0
0095         Energy_Sparse_Threshold    = 0;    % The energy values above the threshold will be stored in the sparse matrix file. Default: 0
0096         LET_Sparse_Threshold    = 0;    % The LET values above the threshold will be stored in the sparse matrix file. Default: 0
0098         Score_PromptGammas    = false;    % Enable/Disable the scoring of Prompt Gammas (emitted during nuclear interactions). Default: False
0099         PG_LowEnergyCut     = 0.0;    % Disable the scoring of Prompt Gammas with energy below this value (MeV).  Default: 0.0
0100         PG_HighEnergyCut    = 50.0;    % Disable the scoring of Prompt Gammas with energy above this value (MeV).  Default: 50.0
0101         % Typical gamma camera would be sensitive between 3.0 and 6.0 MeV
0102         PG_Spectrum_NumBin  = 150;    % Number of bins to score the Prompt Gamma energy spectrum.  Default: 150
0103         PG_Spectrum_Binning = 0.1;    % Bin width (MeV) for the scoring of Prompt Gamma spectrum.  Default: 0.1
0105         LET_Calculation_Method    = 'StopPow'; % Select the method employed for the calculation of LET (DepositedEnergy, StopPow). Default: StopPow
0107         %Export_Beam_dose         = 'Disabled' % Export dose distribution for each beam (Enable) or entire plan (Disable). Default: Disable
0108         Dose_to_Water_conversion = 'Disabled'; % Select the method employed to convert simulation results (dose to medium) to dose to water (Disabled, PostProcessing, OnlineSPR). Default: Disabled
0110         Dose_Segmentation                  = false;    % Enable/Disable a segmentation of the dose map based on a density thresholding (remove dose artifacts in the air). Default: False
0111         Density_Threshold_for_Segmentation = 0.01;    % Density threshold employed for the segmentation (in g/cm3). Default: 0.01
0112     end
0114     methods
0115         function obj = MatRad_MCsquareConfig()
0116             %UNTITLED Construct an instance of this class
0117             %   Detailed explanation goes here
0118             %obj.Property1 = inputArg1 + inputArg2;
0119         end
0121         function write(obj,fid)
0123             MCsquareProperties = fieldnames(obj);
0125             logicalString = {'False', 'True'};
0127             for i = 1:numel(MCsquareProperties)
0129                 % modify fieldnames beginning with "4D"
0130                 if strncmp(MCsquareProperties{i},'fourD',5)
0131                     writeString = ['4D' MCsquareProperties{i}(6:end)];
0132                 else
0133                     writeString = MCsquareProperties{i};
0134                 end
0136                 if isa(obj.(MCsquareProperties{i}),'logical')
0137                     fprintf(fid,[writeString ' ' logicalString{obj.(MCsquareProperties{i})+1} '\n']);
0138                 elseif isa(obj.(MCsquareProperties{i}),'double')
0139                     fprintf(fid,[writeString ' ' num2str(obj.(MCsquareProperties{i})) '\n']);
0140                 elseif isa(obj.(MCsquareProperties{i}),'char')
0141                     fprintf(fid,[writeString ' ' obj.(MCsquareProperties{i}) '\n']);
0142                 else
0143                     error('export not defined');
0144                 end
0146             end
0148         end
0150     end
0151 end

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