
Purpose ^

matRad function to import dicom ct data

Synopsis ^

function ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool, grid, visBool)

Description ^

 matRad function to import dicom ct data
   ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool)
   ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool, grid)
   ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool, visBool)
   ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool, grid, visBool)

   ctList:         list of dicom ct files
   resolution:       resolution of the imported ct cube, i.e. this function
                   will interpolate to a different resolution if desired
   dicomMetaBool:  store complete dicom information if true
   grid:           optional: a priori grid specified for interpolation
   visBool:        optional: turn on/off visualization

   ct:             matRad ct struct. Note that this 3D matlab array 
                   contains water euqivalent electron denisities.
                   Hounsfield units are converted using a standard lookup
                   table in matRad_calcWaterEqD



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool, grid, visBool)
0002 % matRad function to import dicom ct data
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 %   ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool)
0006 %   ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool, grid)
0007 %   ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool, visBool)
0008 %   ct = matRad_importDicomCt(ctList, resolution, dicomMetaBool, grid, visBool)
0009 %
0010 % input
0011 %   ctList:         list of dicom ct files
0012 %   resolution:       resolution of the imported ct cube, i.e. this function
0013 %                   will interpolate to a different resolution if desired
0014 %   dicomMetaBool:  store complete dicom information if true
0015 %   grid:           optional: a priori grid specified for interpolation
0016 %   visBool:        optional: turn on/off visualization
0017 %
0018 % output
0019 %   ct:             matRad ct struct. Note that this 3D matlab array
0020 %                   contains water euqivalent electron denisities.
0021 %                   Hounsfield units are converted using a standard lookup
0022 %                   table in matRad_calcWaterEqD
0023 %
0024 % References
0025 %   -
0026 %
0027 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0028 %
0029 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0030 %
0031 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0032 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0033 % distribution and at No part
0034 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0035 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0036 % LICENSE file.
0037 %
0038 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0040 matRad_cfg = MatRad_Config.instance();
0042 matRad_cfg.dispInfo('\nimporting ct-cube...');
0044 %% processing input variables
0045 if ~exist('visBool','var')
0046   visBool = 0;
0047 end
0049 % creation of ctInfo list
0050 numOfSlices = size(ctList,1);
0051 matRad_cfg.dispInfo('\ncreating info...')
0053 sliceThicknessStandard = true;
0054 for i = 1:numOfSlices
0056     if verLessThan('matlab','9')
0057         tmpDicomInfo = dicominfo(ctList{i,1});
0058     else
0059         tmpDicomInfo = dicominfo(ctList{i,1},'UseDictionaryVR',true);
0060     end
0062     % remember relevant dicom info - do not record everything as some tags
0063     % might not been defined for individual files
0064     ctInfo(i).PixelSpacing            = tmpDicomInfo.PixelSpacing;
0065     ctInfo(i).ImagePositionPatient    = tmpDicomInfo.ImagePositionPatient;
0066     ctInfo(i).SliceThickness          = tmpDicomInfo.SliceThickness;
0067     ctInfo(i).ImageOrientationPatient = tmpDicomInfo.ImageOrientationPatient;
0068     ctInfo(i).PatientPosition         = tmpDicomInfo.PatientPosition;
0069     ctInfo(i).Rows                    = tmpDicomInfo.Rows;
0070     ctInfo(i).Columns                 = tmpDicomInfo.Columns;
0071     ctInfo(i).Width                   = tmpDicomInfo.Width;
0072     ctInfo(i).Height                  = tmpDicomInfo.Height;
0073     ctInfo(i).RescaleSlope            = tmpDicomInfo.RescaleSlope;
0074     ctInfo(i).RescaleIntercept        = tmpDicomInfo.RescaleIntercept;
0076     %Problem due to some CT files using non-standard SpacingBetweenSlices
0078     if isempty(ctInfo(i).SliceThickness)
0079         %Print warning ocne
0080         if sliceThicknessStandard
0081             matRad_cfg.dispWarning('Non-standard use of SliceThickness Attribute (empty), trying to overwrite with SpacingBetweenSlices');
0082             sliceThicknessStandard = false;
0083         end
0084         ctInfo(i).SliceThickness = tmpDicomInfo.SpacingBetweenSlices;
0085     end
0087     if i == 1
0088         completeDicom = tmpDicomInfo;
0089     end
0091     matRad_progress(i,numOfSlices);
0092 end
0094 % adjusting sequence of slices (filenames may not be ordered propperly....
0095 % e.g. CT1.dcm, CT10.dcm, CT100zCoordList = [ctInfo.ImagePositionPatient(1,3)]';.dcm, CT101.dcm,...
0096 CoordList = [ctInfo.ImagePositionPatient]';
0097 [~, indexing] = sort(CoordList(:,3)); % get sortation from z-coordinates
0099 ctList = ctList(indexing);
0100 ctInfo = ctInfo(indexing);
0102 %% check data set for consistency
0103 if size(unique([ctInfo.PixelSpacing]','rows'),1) > 1
0104     matRad_cfg.dispError('Different pixel size in different CT slices');
0105 end
0107 coordsOfFirstPixel = [ctInfo.ImagePositionPatient];
0108 if numel(unique(coordsOfFirstPixel(1,:))) > 1 || numel(unique(coordsOfFirstPixel(2,:))) > 1
0109     matRad_cfg.dispError('Ct slices are not aligned');
0110 end
0111 if sum(diff(coordsOfFirstPixel(3,:))<=0) > 0
0112     matRad_cfg.dispError('Ct slices not monotonically increasing');
0113 end
0114 if numel(unique([ctInfo.Rows])) > 1 || numel(unique([ctInfo.Columns])) > 1
0115     matRad_cfg.dispError('Ct slice sizes inconsistent');
0116 end
0119 %% checking the patient position
0120 % As of now, the matRad treatment planning system is only valid for
0121 % patients in a supine position. Other orientations (e.g. prone, decubitus
0122 % left/right) are not supported.
0123 % Defined Terms:
0124 % HFP     Head First-Prone                  (not supported)
0125 % HFS     Head First-Supine                 (supported)
0126 % HFDR    Head First-Decubitus Right        (not supported)
0127 % HFDL    Head First-Decubitus Left         (not supported)
0128 % FFDR    Feet First-Decubitus Right        (not supported)
0129 % FFDL    Feet First-Decubitus Left         (not supported)
0130 % FFP     Feet First-Prone                  (not supported)
0131 % FFS     Feet First-Supine                 (supported)
0133 if isempty(regexp(ctInfo(1).PatientPosition,{'S','P'}, 'once'))
0134     matRad_cfg.dispError(['This Patient Position is not supported by matRad.'...
0135         ' As of now only ''HFS'' (Head First-Supine), ''FFS'''...
0136         ' (Feet First-Supine), '...    
0137         '''HFP'' (Head First-Prone), and ''FFP'''...
0138         ' (Feet First-Prone) can be processed.'])    
0139 end
0141 %% creation of ct-cube
0142 matRad_cfg.dispInfo('reading slices...')
0143 origCt = zeros(ctInfo(1).Height, ctInfo(1).Width, numOfSlices);
0144 for i = 1:numOfSlices
0145     currentFilename = ctList{i};
0146     [currentImage, map] = dicomread(currentFilename);
0147     origCt(:,:,i) = currentImage(:,:); % creation of the ct cube
0149     % draw current ct-slice
0150     if visBool
0151         if ~isempty(map)
0152             image(ind2rgb(uint8(63*currentImage/max(currentImage(:))),map));
0153             xlabel('x [voxelnumber]')
0154             ylabel('y [voxelnumber]')
0155             title(['Slice # ' int2str(i) ' of ' int2str(numOfSlices)])
0156         else
0157             image(ind2rgb(uint8(63*currentImage/max(currentImage(:))),bone));
0158             xlabel('x [voxelnumber]')
0159             ylabel('y [voxelnumber]')
0160             title(['Slice # ' int2str(i) ' of ' int2str(numOfSlices)])
0161         end
0162         axis equal tight;
0163         pause(0.1);
0164     end
0165     matRad_progress(i,numOfSlices);
0166 end
0168 %% correction if not lps-coordinate-system
0169 % when using the physical coordinates (ctInfo.ImagePositionPatient) to
0170 % arrange the  slices in z-direction, there is no more need for mirroring
0171 % in the z-direction
0172 matRad_cfg.dispInfo('\nz-coordinates taken from ImagePositionPatient\n')
0174 % The x- & y-direction in lps-coordinates are specified in:
0175 % ImageOrientationPatient
0176 xDir = ctInfo(1).ImageOrientationPatient(1:3); % lps: [1;0;0]
0177 yDir = ctInfo(1).ImageOrientationPatient(4:6); % lps: [0;1;0]
0178 nonStandardDirection = false;
0180 % correct x- & y-direction
0181 %
0182 % if xDir(1) == 1 && xDir(2) == 0 && xDir(3) == 0
0183 %     matRad_cfg.dispInfo('x-direction OK\n')
0184 % elseif xDir(1) == -1 && xDir(2) == 0 && xDir(3) == 0
0185 %     matRad_cfg.dispInfo('\nMirroring x-direction...')
0186 %     origCt = flip(origCt,1);
0187 %     matRad_cfg.dispInfo('finished!\n')
0188 % else
0189 %     nonStandardDirection = true;
0190 % end
0191 %
0192 % if yDir(1) == 0 && yDir(2) == 1 && yDir(3) == 0
0193 %     matRad_cfg.dispInfo('y-direction OK\n')
0194 % elseif yDir(1) == 0 && yDir(2) == -1 && yDir(3) == 0
0195 %     matRad_cfg.dispInfo('\nMirroring y-direction...')
0196 %     origCt = flip(origCt,2);
0197 %     matRad_cfg.dispInfo('finished!\n')
0198 % else
0199 %     nonStandardDirection = true;
0200 % end
0202 if nonStandardDirection
0203     matRad_cfg.dispInfo(['Non-standard patient orientation.\n'...
0204         'CT might not fit to contoured structures\n'])
0205 end
0207 %% interpolate cube
0208 matRad_cfg.dispInfo('\nInterpolating CT cube...');
0209 if exist('grid','var')
0210     ct = matRad_interpDicomCtCube(origCt, ctInfo, resolution, grid);
0211 else
0212     ct = matRad_interpDicomCtCube(origCt, ctInfo, resolution);
0213 end
0214 matRad_cfg.dispInfo('finished!\n');
0216 %% remember some parameters of original dicom
0217 ct.dicomInfo.PixelSpacing            = ctInfo(1).PixelSpacing;
0218                                        tmp = [ctInfo.ImagePositionPatient];
0219 ct.dicomInfo.SlicePositions          = tmp(3,:);
0220 ct.dicomInfo.SliceThickness          = [ctInfo.SliceThickness];
0221 ct.dicomInfo.ImagePositionPatient    = ctInfo(1).ImagePositionPatient;
0222 ct.dicomInfo.ImageOrientationPatient = ctInfo(1).ImageOrientationPatient;
0223 ct.dicomInfo.PatientPosition         = ctInfo(1).PatientPosition;
0224 ct.dicomInfo.Width                   = ctInfo(1).Width;
0225 ct.dicomInfo.Height                  = ctInfo(1).Height;
0226 ct.dicomInfo.RescaleSlope            = ctInfo(1).RescaleSlope;
0227 ct.dicomInfo.RescaleIntercept        = ctInfo(1).RescaleIntercept;
0228 if isfield(completeDicom, 'Manufacturer')
0229 ct.dicomInfo.Manufacturer            = completeDicom.Manufacturer;
0230 end
0231 if isfield(completeDicom, 'ManufacturerModelName')
0232 ct.dicomInfo.ManufacturerModelName   = completeDicom.ManufacturerModelName;
0233 end
0234 if isfield(completeDicom, 'ConvolutionKernel')
0235 ct.dicomInfo.ConvolutionKernel       = completeDicom.ConvolutionKernel;
0236 end
0238 % store patientName only if user wants to
0239 if isfield(completeDicom,'PatientName') && dicomMetaBool == true
0240     ct.dicomInfo.PatientName         = completeDicom.PatientName;
0241 end
0242 if dicomMetaBool == true
0243     ct.dicomMeta                     = completeDicom;
0244 end
0246 ct.timeStamp = datestr(clock);
0248 % convert to Hounsfield units
0249 matRad_cfg.dispInfo('\nconversion of ct-Cube to Hounsfield units...');
0250 ct = matRad_calcHU(ct);
0251 matRad_cfg.dispInfo('finished!\n');
0253 end

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