
Purpose ^

matRad wrapper function to import a predefined set of dicom files

Synopsis ^

function [ct, cst, pln, resultGUI] = matRad_importDicom( files, dicomMetaBool )

Description ^

 matRad wrapper function to import a predefined set of dicom files 
 into matRad's native data formats
 [ct, cst, pln, resultGUI] = matRad_importDicom( files )  
 [ct, cst, pln, resultGUI] = matRad_importDicom( files, dicomMetaBool )

   files:          list of files to be imported (will contain cts and rt
                   structure set)
   dicomMetaBool:  (boolean, optional) import complete dicomInfo and

   ct:        matRad ct struct
   cst:       matRad cst struct
   pln:       matRad plan struct
   resultGUI: matRad result struct holding data for visualization in GUI



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function [ct, cst, pln, resultGUI] = matRad_importDicom( files, dicomMetaBool )
0002 % matRad wrapper function to import a predefined set of dicom files
0003 % into matRad's native data formats
0004 %
0005 % call
0006 % [ct, cst, pln, resultGUI] = matRad_importDicom( files )
0007 % [ct, cst, pln, resultGUI] = matRad_importDicom( files, dicomMetaBool )
0008 %
0009 % input
0010 %   files:          list of files to be imported (will contain cts and rt
0011 %                   structure set)
0012 %   dicomMetaBool:  (boolean, optional) import complete dicomInfo and
0013 %                   patientName
0014 %
0015 % output
0016 %   ct:        matRad ct struct
0017 %   cst:       matRad cst struct
0018 %   pln:       matRad plan struct
0019 %   resultGUI: matRad result struct holding data for visualization in GUI
0020 %
0021 % References
0022 %   -
0023 %
0024 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0025 %
0026 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0027 %
0028 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0029 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0030 % distribution and at No part
0031 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0032 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0033 % LICENSE file.
0034 %
0035 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0037 [env, ~] = matRad_getEnvironment();
0039 %%
0040 if ~exist('dicomMetaBool','var')
0041   dicomMetaBool = true;
0042 end
0044 %%
0045 h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
0046 %h.WindowStyle = 'Modal';
0047 steps = 2;
0049 %% import ct-cube
0050 waitbar(1 / steps)
0051 resolution.x = files.resx;
0052 resolution.y = files.resy;
0053 resolution.z = files.resz; % [mm] / lps coordinate system
0054 if files.useDoseGrid && isfield(files,'rtdose')
0055     % get grid from dose cube
0056     if verLessThan('matlab','9')
0057         doseInfo = dicominfo(files.rtdose{1,1});
0058     else
0059         doseInfo = dicominfo(files.rtdose{1,1},'UseDictionaryVR',true);
0060     end
0061     doseGrid{1} = doseInfo.ImagePositionPatient(1) + doseInfo.ImageOrientationPatient(1) * ...
0062                                                      doseInfo.PixelSpacing(1) * double(0:doseInfo.Columns - 1);
0063     doseGrid{2} = doseInfo.ImagePositionPatient(2) + doseInfo.ImageOrientationPatient(5) * ...
0064                                                      doseInfo.PixelSpacing(2) * double(0:doseInfo.Rows - 1);
0065     doseGrid{3} = doseInfo.ImagePositionPatient(3) + doseInfo.GridFrameOffsetVector(:)';
0067     % get ct on grid
0068     ct = matRad_importDicomCt(files.ct, resolution, dicomMetaBool,doseGrid); 
0070 else
0071     ct = matRad_importDicomCt(files.ct, resolution, dicomMetaBool); 
0072 end
0074 if ~isempty(files.rtss)
0076     %% import structure data
0077     waitbar(2 / steps)
0078     structures = matRad_importDicomRtss(files.rtss{1},ct.dicomInfo);
0079     close(h)
0081     %% creating structure cube
0082     h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
0083     %h.WindowStyle = 'Modal';
0084     steps = numel(structures);
0085     for i = 1:numel(structures)
0086         % computations take place here
0087         waitbar(i / steps)
0088         fprintf('creating cube for %s volume...\n', structures(i).structName);
0089         structures(i).indices = matRad_convRtssContours2Indices(structures(i),ct);
0090     end
0091     fprintf('finished!\n');
0092     close(h)
0094     %% creating cst
0095     cst = matRad_createCst(structures);
0097 else
0099     cst = matRad_dummyCst(ct);
0101 end
0103 %% determine pln parameters
0104 if isfield(files,'rtplan')
0105     if ~(cellfun(@isempty,files.rtplan(1,:)))
0106         pln = matRad_importDicomRTPlan(ct, files.rtplan, dicomMetaBool);
0107     end
0108 end
0110 %% import stf
0111 if isfield(files,'rtplan')
0112     if ~(cellfun(@isempty,files.rtplan(1,:)))
0113         if (strcmp(pln.radiationMode,'protons') || strcmp(pln.radiationMode,'carbon'))
0114             %% import steering file
0115             % pln output because bixelWidth is determined via the stf
0116             [stf, pln] = matRad_importDicomSteeringParticles(ct, pln, files.rtplan);
0117         elseif strcmp(pln.radiationMode, 'photons') && isfield(pln.propStf,'collimation')
0118             % return correct angles in pln
0119             [stf, pln] = matRad_importDicomSteeringPhotons(pln);
0120         else
0121             warning('No support for DICOM import of steering information for this modality.');
0122         end
0123     end
0124 end
0126 %% import dose cube
0127 if isfield(files,'rtdose')
0128     % check if files.rtdose contains a path and is labeld as RTDose
0129     % only the first two elements are relevant for loading the rt dose
0130     if ~(cellfun(@isempty,files.rtdose(1,1:2))) 
0131         fprintf('loading Dose files \n', structures(i).structName);
0132         % parse plan in order to scale dose cubes to a fraction based dose
0133         if exist('pln','var')
0134             if isfield(pln,'numOfFractions')
0135                 resultGUI = matRad_importDicomRTDose(ct, files.rtdose, pln);
0136             end
0137         else
0138             resultGUI = matRad_importDicomRTDose(ct, files.rtdose);
0139         end
0140         if size(resultGUI) == 0
0141            clear resultGUI;
0142         end
0143     end
0144 end
0146 %% put weight also into resultGUI
0147 if exist('stf','var') && exist('resultGUI','var')
0148     resultGUI.w = [];
0149     for i = 1:size(stf,2)
0150         resultGUI.w = [resultGUI.w; [stf(i).ray.weight]'];
0151     end
0152 end
0154 %% save ct, cst, pln, dose
0155 matRadFileName = [files.ct{1,3} '.mat']; % use default from dicom
0156 [FileName,PathName] = uiputfile('*','Save as...',matRadFileName);
0157 if ischar(FileName)
0158     % delete unnecessary variables
0159     switch env
0160     case 'MATLAB'
0161         clearvars -except ct cst pln stf resultGUI FileName PathName;
0162     case 'OCTAVE' 
0163         clear -x ct cst pln stf resultGUI FileName PathName;
0164     end
0165     % save all except FileName and PathName
0166     save([PathName, FileName], '-regexp', '^(?!(FileName|PathName)$).','-v7.3');
0167 end

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