
Purpose ^

matRad function to read the data of the selected dicomRT structure set file

Synopsis ^

function structures = matRad_importDicomRtss(filename,dicomInfo,visBool)

Description ^

 matRad function to read the data of the selected dicomRT structure set file 
 into a matlab struct
   structures = matRad_importDicomRtss(filename,dicomInfo)
   structures = matRad_importDicomRtss(filename,dicomInfo,visBool)

   filename:       name of the rtss file
   dicomInfo:      meta information from the dicom ct files for sanity
   visBool:        (optional) turn on/off visualization

   structures:     struct containing names, numbers, colors, and
                   coordinates of the polygon segmentations



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function structures = matRad_importDicomRtss(filename,dicomInfo,visBool)
0002 % matRad function to read the data of the selected dicomRT structure set file
0003 % into a matlab struct
0004 %
0005 % call
0006 %   structures = matRad_importDicomRtss(filename,dicomInfo)
0007 %   structures = matRad_importDicomRtss(filename,dicomInfo,visBool)
0008 %
0009 % input
0010 %   filename:       name of the rtss file
0011 %   dicomInfo:      meta information from the dicom ct files for sanity
0012 %                   checks
0013 %   visBool:        (optional) turn on/off visualization
0014 %
0015 % output
0016 %   structures:     struct containing names, numbers, colors, and
0017 %                   coordinates of the polygon segmentations
0018 %
0019 % References
0020 %   -
0021 %
0022 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0023 %
0024 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0025 %
0026 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0027 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0028 % distribution and at No part
0029 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0030 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0031 % LICENSE file.
0032 %
0033 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0035 fprintf('\nReading structures...');
0037 if nargin < 3
0038     visBool = 0;
0039 end
0041 % read dicom info (this includes already all data for the rtss)
0042 if verLessThan('matlab','9')
0043     structInfo = dicominfo(filename);
0044 else % apply 'UseVRHeuristic' option when available to use a to help read certain
0045      % noncompliant files which switch value representation (VR) modes incorrectly
0046     structInfo = dicominfo(filename,'UseVRHeuristic',false,'UseDictionaryVR',true);
0047 end
0049 % list the defined structures
0050 listOfDefStructs = fieldnames(structInfo.StructureSetROISequence);
0051 % list of contoured structures
0052 listOfContStructs = fieldnames(structInfo.ROIContourSequence);
0054 %% process structure data
0055 numOfDefStructs  = numel(listOfDefStructs);
0056 numOfContStructs = numel(listOfContStructs);
0058 for i = 1:numOfContStructs % loop over every structure
0060     % find the correct name
0061     for j = 1:numOfDefStructs
0062         if structInfo.ROIContourSequence.(listOfContStructs{i}).ReferencedROINumber ...
0063                 == structInfo.StructureSetROISequence.(listOfDefStructs{j}).ROINumber
0064             break;
0065         end
0066     end    
0067     structures(i).structName   = structInfo.StructureSetROISequence.(...
0068                                  listOfDefStructs{j}).ROIName;
0070     structures(i).structNumber = structInfo.ROIContourSequence.(...
0071                                  listOfContStructs{i}).ReferencedROINumber;
0072     if isfield(structInfo.ROIContourSequence.(listOfContStructs{i}),'ROIDisplayColor')
0073         structures(i).structColor  = structInfo.ROIContourSequence.(...
0074                                      listOfContStructs{i}).ROIDisplayColor;  
0075     end
0077     if isfield(structInfo.ROIContourSequence.(...
0078                     listOfContStructs{i}), 'ContourSequence');
0079                 if ~isempty(structInfo.ROIContourSequence.(...
0080                                 listOfContStructs{i}).ContourSequence);
0081                     listOfSlices = fieldnames(structInfo.ROIContourSequence.(...
0082                                                 listOfContStructs{i}).ContourSequence);
0083                 else
0084                     warning(['Contour ' structures(i).structName ' is empty'])
0085                     continue;
0086                 end
0087     else
0088         warning(['Contour ' structures(i).structName ' is empty'])
0089         continue;
0090     end
0092     for j = 1:numel(listOfSlices)
0093         structSlice = structInfo.ROIContourSequence.(...
0094                 listOfContStructs{i}).ContourSequence.(listOfSlices{j});
0096         if strcmpi(structSlice.ContourGeometricType, 'POINT')
0097             continue;
0098         end
0100         % store the z-coordinate of this structure slice
0101         structX = structSlice.ContourData([1:3:end 1]);
0102         structY = structSlice.ContourData([2:3:end 2]);
0103         structZ = structSlice.ContourData([3:3:end 3]);
0105         % rounding to solve numerical problems with contour points not
0106         % being defined exactly in the same slice
0107         structZ = 1e-10*round(1e10*structZ);
0109         % sanity check 1
0110         if numel(unique(structZ)) > 1
0111             error('Detected contour points outside of single slice\n');
0112         end
0114         % sanity check 2
0115         if unique(structZ) > max(dicomInfo.SlicePositions) || unique(structZ) < min(dicomInfo.SlicePositions)
0116             warning(['Omitting contour data for ' structures(i).structName ' at slice position ' num2str(unique(structZ)) 'mm - no ct data available.\n']);
0117         else
0118             structures(i).item(j).points = [structX, structY, structZ];
0119         end
0121     end
0123 end
0125 %% visualization
0126 % show all structure points in a single plot
0127 if visBool
0128     figure;
0129     hold on
0130     for i = 1:numel(structures)
0131         plot3(structures(i).points(:,1),structures(i).points(:,2),...
0132             structures(i).points(:,3),'-',...
0133             'Color',structures(i).structColor ./ 255,'Displayname',structures(i).structName);
0134     end
0135     legend('show')
0136 end
0138 fprintf('finished!\n');
0141 end

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