
Purpose ^

matRad IPOPT callback: get jacobian structure for direct aperture optimization

Synopsis ^

function jacobStruct = matRad_getJacobianStructure(optiProb,apertureInfoVec,dij,cst)

Description ^

 matRad IPOPT callback: get jacobian structure for direct aperture optimization
   jacobStruct = matRad_daoGetJacobStruct(optiProb,apertureInfoVec,dij,cst)

   optiProb:           option struct defining the type of optimization
   apertureInfoVect:   aperture weights and shapes parameterized as vector
   dij:                dose influence matrix
   cst:                matRad cst struct

   jacobStruct: jacobian of constraint function



Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function jacobStruct = matRad_getJacobianStructure(optiProb,apertureInfoVec,dij,cst)
0002 % matRad IPOPT callback: get jacobian structure for direct aperture optimization
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 %   jacobStruct = matRad_daoGetJacobStruct(optiProb,apertureInfoVec,dij,cst)
0006 %
0007 % input
0008 %   optiProb:           option struct defining the type of optimization
0009 %   apertureInfoVect:   aperture weights and shapes parameterized as vector
0010 %   dij:                dose influence matrix
0011 %   cst:                matRad cst struct
0012 %
0013 % output
0014 %   jacobStruct: jacobian of constraint function
0015 %
0016 % References
0017 %
0018 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0020 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0021 %
0022 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0023 %
0024 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0025 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0026 % distribution and at No part
0027 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0028 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0029 % LICENSE file.
0030 %
0031 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0033 apertureInfo = optiProb.apertureInfo;
0035 % jacobian structure of the dao constraints
0036 % row indices
0037 i = repmat(1:apertureInfo.totalNumOfLeafPairs,1,2);
0038 % column indices
0039 j = [apertureInfo.totalNumOfShapes+1:apertureInfo.totalNumOfShapes+apertureInfo.totalNumOfLeafPairs ...
0040      apertureInfo.totalNumOfShapes+apertureInfo.totalNumOfLeafPairs+1:apertureInfo.totalNumOfShapes+2*apertureInfo.totalNumOfLeafPairs];
0042 % -1 for left leaves, 1 for right leaves
0043 s = ones(1,2*apertureInfo.totalNumOfLeafPairs);
0045 jacobStruct_dao = sparse(i,j,s, ...
0046     apertureInfo.totalNumOfLeafPairs, ...
0047     apertureInfo.totalNumOfShapes+2*apertureInfo.totalNumOfLeafPairs, ...
0048     2*apertureInfo.totalNumOfLeafPairs);
0050 jacobStruct_dos_bixel = matRad_getJacobianStructure@matRad_OptimizationProblem(optiProb,apertureInfo.bixelWeights,dij,cst);
0051 % --> gives me a matrix with number of rows = num of constraints and tells
0052 % me in th columns if a beamlet has an influence on this constraint
0054 % for apertures I need to check if the very beam orientation of the aperture has a bixel
0055 % that potentially influences the constraint
0057 % for leaves I need to check if that particular leaf row has bixels that
0058 % potentially influence the objective which works via apertureInfo.beam(i).bixelIndMap
0060 % all stuff can be done per beam direction and then I use repmat to build
0061 % up the big matrix
0063 % allocate
0064 jacobStruct_dos = sparse(size(jacobStruct_dos_bixel,1),size(jacobStruct_dao,2));
0066 if ~isempty(jacobStruct_dos)
0068     % first aperture weights
0069     for i = 1:apertureInfo.totalNumOfShapes
0070         currBeam             = apertureInfo.mappingMx(i,1);
0071         currBixelIxInBeam    = dij.beamNum == currBeam;
0072         jacobStruct_dos(:,i) = spones(sum(jacobStruct_dos_bixel(:,currBixelIxInBeam),2));
0073     end
0075     % second leaves
0076     counter = 0;
0077     for i = 1:size(apertureInfo.beam,2)
0078         for j = 1:apertureInfo.beam(i).numOfShapes
0079             for k = 1:apertureInfo.beam(i).numOfActiveLeafPairs
0080                 counter = counter + 1;
0081                 bixelIxInCurrRow = ~isnan(apertureInfo.beam(i).bixelIndMap(k,:));
0082                 jacobStruct_dos(:,counter+[0 apertureInfo.totalNumOfLeafPairs]) = ...     
0083                     repmat(spones(sum(jacobStruct_dos_bixel(:,bixelIxInCurrRow),2)),1,2);
0084             end
0085         end    
0086     end
0088 end
0090 % concatenate
0091 jacobStruct = [jacobStruct_dao; jacobStruct_dos];

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