
Purpose ^

matRad function that plots the contours of the segmentations given in cst

Synopsis ^

function [voiContourHandles] = matRad_plotVoiContourSlice(axesHandle,cst,ct,ctIndex,selection,plane,slice,cMap,varargin)

Description ^

 matRad function that plots the contours of the segmentations given in cst

 voiContourHandles = matRad_plotVoiContourSlice(axesHandle,cst,ct,ctIndex,selection,plane,slice) 
 voiContourHandles = matRad_plotVoiContourSlice(axesHandle,cst,ct,ctIndex,selection,plane,slice,cMap) 
 voiContourHandles = matRad_plotVoiContourSlice(axesHandle,cst,ct,ctIndex,selection,plane,slice,cMap,...) 

   axesHandle          handle to axes the slice should be displayed in
   cst                 matRad cst cell array
   ct                  matRad ct structure
   ctIndex             index of the ct cube
   selection           logicals defining the current selection of contours
                       that should be plotted. Can be set to [] to plot
                       all non-ignored contours.
   plane               plane view (coronal=1,sagittal=2,axial=3)
   slice               slice in the selected plane of the 3D cube
   cMap                optional argument defining the colormap, default is
   varargin            Additional Matlab Line-Property/value pairs

   voiContourHandles:  handles of the plotted contours
   visibleOnSlice:     logicals defining if the contour is actually
                       visible on the current slice



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function [voiContourHandles] = matRad_plotVoiContourSlice(axesHandle,cst,ct,ctIndex,selection,plane,slice,cMap,varargin)
0002 % matRad function that plots the contours of the segmentations given in cst
0003 %
0004 % call
0005 % voiContourHandles = matRad_plotVoiContourSlice(axesHandle,cst,ct,ctIndex,selection,plane,slice)
0006 % voiContourHandles = matRad_plotVoiContourSlice(axesHandle,cst,ct,ctIndex,selection,plane,slice,cMap)
0007 % voiContourHandles = matRad_plotVoiContourSlice(axesHandle,cst,ct,ctIndex,selection,plane,slice,cMap,...)
0008 %
0009 % input
0010 %   axesHandle          handle to axes the slice should be displayed in
0011 %   cst                 matRad cst cell array
0012 %   ct                  matRad ct structure
0013 %   ctIndex             index of the ct cube
0014 %   selection           logicals defining the current selection of contours
0015 %                       that should be plotted. Can be set to [] to plot
0016 %                       all non-ignored contours.
0017 %   plane               plane view (coronal=1,sagittal=2,axial=3)
0018 %   slice               slice in the selected plane of the 3D cube
0019 %   cMap                optional argument defining the colormap, default is
0020 %                       colorcube
0021 %   varargin            Additional Matlab Line-Property/value pairs
0022 %
0023 % output
0024 %   voiContourHandles:  handles of the plotted contours
0025 %   visibleOnSlice:     logicals defining if the contour is actually
0026 %                       visible on the current slice
0027 %
0028 % References
0029 %   -
0030 %
0031 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0032 %
0033 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0034 %
0035 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0036 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0037 % distribution and at No part
0038 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0039 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0040 % LICENSE file.
0041 %
0042 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0044 [env, ~] = matRad_getEnvironment();
0046 % overwrite colormap
0047 if exist('cMap', 'var') && ~isempty(cMap)
0048     cMapScale = size(cMap,1)-1;
0049     %determine colors
0050     colors = cMap(round(linspace(1,cMapScale,size(cst,1))),:);
0051 else
0052     for i = 1:size(cst,1)
0053         if isfield(cst{i,5},'visibleColor')
0054             colors(i,:) = cst{i,5}.visibleColor;
0055         else
0056             colors(i,:) = [0 0 0];
0057         end
0058     end
0059 end
0061 if isempty(selection) || numel(selection) ~= size(cst,1)
0062     selection = true(size(cst,1),1);
0063 end
0065 voiContourHandles = cell(0);
0066 switch env
0067     case 'MATLAB'
0068         voiContourHandles = gobjects(0);
0069     case 'OCTAVE'
0070         voiContourHandles = [];
0071 end
0074 for s = 1:size(cst,1)
0076     if ~strcmp(cst{s,3},'IGNORED') && selection(s)
0077         %Check for precalculated contours
0078         C =[];
0079         if size(cst,2) >= 7 && ~isempty(cst{s,7})
0080             C = cst{s,7}{slice,plane};
0081         else
0082             %If we do not have precomputed contours available, then compute them
0083             mask = zeros(size(ct{ctIndex}));
0084             mask(cst{s,4}{ctIndex}) = 1;
0086             if plane == 1 && any(any(mask(slice,:,:) > 0))
0087                 C = contourc(squeeze(mask(slice,:,:)),.5*[1 1]);
0088             elseif plane == 2 && any(any(mask(:,slice,:) > 0))
0089                 C = contourc(squeeze(mask(:,slice,:)),.5*[1 1]);
0090             elseif plane == 3 && any(any(mask(:,:,slice) > 0))
0091                 C = contourc(squeeze(mask(:,:,slice)),.5*[1 1]);
0092             end  
0093         end
0095         % plot precalculated contourc data
0097          switch env
0098             case 'MATLAB'
0099                 tmpLineHandle = gobjects(0);
0100             case 'OCTAVE'
0101                 tmpLineHandle = [];
0102          end
0104          if any(C(:))
0105             lower = 1; % lower marks the beginning of a section
0106             while lower-1 ~= size(C,2)
0107                 hold on
0108                 steps = C(2,lower); % number of elements of current line section
0109                 tmpLineHandle(end+1) = line(C(1,lower+1:lower+steps),...
0110                     C(2,lower+1:lower+steps),...
0111                     'Color',colors(s,:),'Parent',axesHandle,varargin{:});
0113                 lower = lower+steps+1;
0114             end
0115             voiContourHandles{end+1} = tmpLineHandle;
0116          else
0117             % create empty line object
0118             voiContourHandles{end+1} = {};
0119          end     
0122     end
0123 end
0126 end

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