
Purpose ^

matRad tool function to directly plot a complete slice of a ct with dose

Synopsis ^

function [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,thresh,alpha,contourColorMap,doseColorMap,doseWindow,doseIsoLevels,voiSelection,colorBarLabel,boolPlotLegend,varargin)

Description ^

 matRad tool function to directly plot a complete slice of a ct with dose
 including contours and isolines.

 [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice)
 [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,thresh)
 [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,alpha)
 [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,contourColorMap)
 [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,doseColorMap)
 [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,doseWindow)
 [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,doseIsoLevels)
 [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,thresh,alpha,contourColorMap,...

 input (required)
   axesHandle      handle to axes the slice should be displayed in
   ct              matRad ct struct
   cst             matRad cst struct
   cubeIdx         Index of the desired cube in the ct struct
   dose            dose cube
   plane           plane view (coronal=1,sagittal=2,axial=3)
   slice           slice in the selected plane of the 3D cube

 input (optional / empty)
   thresh          threshold for display of dose values
   alpha           alpha value for the dose overlay
   contourColorMap colormap for the VOI contours
   doseColorMap    colormap for the dose
   doseWindow      dose value window
   doseIsoLevels   levels defining the isodose contours
   voiSelection    logicals defining the current selection of contours
                   that should be plotted. Can be set to [] to plot
                   all non-ignored contours.
   colorBarLabel   string defining the yLabel of the colorBar
   boolPlotLegend  boolean if legend should be plottet or not
   varargin        additional input parameters that are passed on to
                   individual plotting functions (e.g. 'LineWidth',1.5)

   hCMap       handle to the colormap
   hDose       handle to the dose plot
   hCt         handle to the ct plot
   hContour    handle to the contour plot
   hIsoDose    handle to iso dose contours



 Copyright 2015 the matRad development team. 
 This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license 
 terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 
 distribution and at No part 
 of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified, 
 propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the 
 LICENSE file.


Cross-reference information ^

This function calls: This function is called by:

Source code ^

0001 function [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,thresh,alpha,contourColorMap,...
0002                                                                           doseColorMap,doseWindow,doseIsoLevels,voiSelection,colorBarLabel,boolPlotLegend,varargin)
0003 % matRad tool function to directly plot a complete slice of a ct with dose
0004 % including contours and isolines.
0005 %
0006 % call
0007 % [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice)
0008 % [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,thresh)
0009 % [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,alpha)
0010 % [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,contourColorMap)
0011 % [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,doseColorMap)
0012 % [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,doseWindow)
0013 % [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,doseIsoLevels)
0014 %               ...
0015 % [hCMap,hDose,hCt,hContour,hIsoDose] = matRad_plotSliceWrapper(axesHandle,ct,cst,cubeIdx,dose,plane,slice,thresh,alpha,contourColorMap,...
0016 %                                                                          doseColorMap,doseWindow,doseIsoLevels,voiSelection,colorBarLabel,boolPlotLegend,...)
0017 %
0018 % input (required)
0019 %   axesHandle      handle to axes the slice should be displayed in
0020 %   ct              matRad ct struct
0021 %   cst             matRad cst struct
0022 %   cubeIdx         Index of the desired cube in the ct struct
0023 %   dose            dose cube
0024 %   plane           plane view (coronal=1,sagittal=2,axial=3)
0025 %   slice           slice in the selected plane of the 3D cube
0026 %
0027 % input (optional / empty)
0028 %   thresh          threshold for display of dose values
0029 %   alpha           alpha value for the dose overlay
0030 %   contourColorMap colormap for the VOI contours
0031 %   doseColorMap    colormap for the dose
0032 %   doseWindow      dose value window
0033 %   doseIsoLevels   levels defining the isodose contours
0034 %   voiSelection    logicals defining the current selection of contours
0035 %                   that should be plotted. Can be set to [] to plot
0036 %                   all non-ignored contours.
0037 %   colorBarLabel   string defining the yLabel of the colorBar
0038 %   boolPlotLegend  boolean if legend should be plottet or not
0039 %   varargin        additional input parameters that are passed on to
0040 %                   individual plotting functions (e.g. 'LineWidth',1.5)
0041 %
0042 %
0043 % output
0044 %   hCMap       handle to the colormap
0045 %   hDose       handle to the dose plot
0046 %   hCt         handle to the ct plot
0047 %   hContour    handle to the contour plot
0048 %   hIsoDose    handle to iso dose contours
0049 %
0050 % References
0051 %   -
0052 %
0053 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0054 %
0055 % Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
0056 %
0057 % This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
0058 % terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
0059 % distribution and at No part
0060 % of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
0061 % propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
0062 % LICENSE file.
0063 %
0064 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0066 % Handle the argument list
0067 if ~exist('thresh','var') || isempty(thresh)
0068     thresh = [];
0069 end
0070 if ~exist('alpha','var') || isempty(alpha)
0071     alpha = [];
0072 end
0073 if ~exist('contourColorMap','var') || isempty(contourColorMap)
0074    contourColorMap = [];
0075 end
0076 if ~exist('doseColorMap','var') || isempty(doseColorMap)
0077    doseColorMap = [];
0078 end
0079 if ~exist('doseWindow','var') || isempty(doseWindow)
0080    doseWindow = [];
0081 end
0082 if ~exist('doseIsoLevels','var') || isempty(doseIsoLevels)
0083    doseIsoLevels = [];
0084 end
0086 if ~exist('voiSelection','var') || isempty(voiSelection)
0087    voiSelection = [];
0088 end
0090 if ~exist('colorBarLabel','var') || isempty(colorBarLabel)
0091    colorBarLabel = [];
0092 end
0094 if ~exist('boolPlotLegend','var') || isempty(boolPlotLegend)
0095    boolPlotLegend = false;
0096 end
0098 if ~exist('cst','var') || isempty(cst)
0099    cst = [];
0100 end
0102 set(axesHandle,'YDir','Reverse');
0103 % plot ct slice
0104 hCt = matRad_plotCtSlice(axesHandle,ct.cubeHU,cubeIdx,plane,slice); 
0105 hold on;
0107 % plot dose
0108 [hDose,doseColorMap,doseWindow] = matRad_plotDoseSlice(axesHandle,dose,plane,slice,thresh,alpha,doseColorMap,doseWindow);
0110 % plot iso dose lines
0111 if ~isempty(doseIsoLevels)
0112     hIsoDose = matRad_plotIsoDoseLines(axesHandle,dose,[],doseIsoLevels,false,plane,slice,doseColorMap,doseWindow,varargin{:});
0113     hold on;
0114 else
0115     hIsoDose = [];
0116 end
0118 %plot VOI contours
0119 if  ~isempty(cst)
0120     hContour = matRad_plotVoiContourSlice(axesHandle,cst,ct.cubeHU,cubeIdx,voiSelection,plane,slice,contourColorMap,varargin{:});
0122 if boolPlotLegend
0123    visibleOnSlice = (~cellfun(@isempty,hContour));
0124    ixLegend = find(voiSelection);
0125    hContourTmp    = cellfun(@(X) X(1),hContour(visibleOnSlice),'UniformOutput',false);
0126    if ~isempty(voiSelection)
0127        hLegend        =  legend(axesHandle,[hContourTmp{:}],[cst(ixLegend(visibleOnSlice),2)],'AutoUpdate','off');
0128    else
0129        hLegend        =  legend(axesHandle,[hContourTmp{:}],[cst(visibleOnSlice,2)],'AutoUpdate','off');
0130    end
0131    set(hLegend,'Box','Off');
0132    set(hLegend,'TextColor',[1 1 1]);
0133    set(hLegend,'FontSize',12);
0135 end
0136 else
0137     hContour = [];
0138 end
0140 axis(axesHandle,'tight');
0141 set(axesHandle,'xtick',[],'ytick',[]);
0142 colormap(axesHandle,doseColorMap);
0144 matRad_plotAxisLabels(axesHandle,ct,plane,slice,[])
0146 % set axis ratio
0148 ratios = [1/ct.resolution.x 1/ct.resolution.y 1/ct.resolution.z];
0150 set(axesHandle,'DataAspectRatioMode','manual');
0151 if plane == 1 
0152       res = [ratios(3) ratios(2)]./max([ratios(3) ratios(2)]);  
0153       set(axesHandle,'DataAspectRatio',[res 1])
0154 elseif plane == 2 % sagittal plane
0155       res = [ratios(3) ratios(1)]./max([ratios(3) ratios(1)]);  
0156       set(axesHandle,'DataAspectRatio',[res 1]) 
0157 elseif  plane == 3 % Axial plane
0158       res = [ratios(2) ratios(1)]./max([ratios(2) ratios(1)]);  
0159       set(axesHandle,'DataAspectRatio',[res 1])
0160 end
0162 hCMap = matRad_plotColorbar(axesHandle,doseColorMap,doseWindow,'Location','EastOutside');
0163 if ~isempty(colorBarLabel)
0164     set(get(hCMap,'YLabel'),'String', colorBarLabel,'FontSize',14);
0165 end
0167 end

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